Friday, February 24, 2017

Fri - 24 Feb/17

A pretty decent day today with sunshine poking through spotty clouds and temps around 80 F.

Today the main item on the agenda was the Mount Dora Quilters Guild Show that is being held at Lake Receptions on 19A in Mount Dora, FL. This is less than 10 miles from OMS. We attended last year and once again it was crowded.

I took Charlotte before 11 a.m. and dropped her off at the entrance. Then I (luckily) got one of the few remaining spots (handicapped) in the several parking areas.

The first part of the wait went fairly quickly. A few minutes after parking a car from Maryland pulled in next to me. The gentleman, like me, had dropped his wife off at the entrance and was now waiting. I had the pleasure of joining him in conversation. We were still solving the world's problems a half hour later when his wife called and he returned to the entrance to pick her up.

When I park and wait for Charlotte (anywhere/anytime) I often watch for a better parking spot and continually move closer to where she will exit. I only made one move today. It actually wasn't any closer; however, unlike the previous parking spot I could see her exit the show.

The show is quite large with many lovely quilts for Charlotte to admire. She also bought a few items and returned about 2 hours after her entrance with materials for a few projects.

Now it was time for lunch. I said; "I know where you want to eat. It's just around the corner." She replied; "What's around the corner?" When I responded; "Golden Corral" her enthusiastic response was; "That's where I wanted to go!"

It was only about a mile away. Soon we were parked, inside, seated and she was off picking up a plate and utensils (and then - food!).

A High School Basketball Team entered just after us dressed in their black and gold uniforms. This might have been the first time some of them ate at a Golden Corral. When I was in the washroom I overheard one say; "I've never seen so many old people in one place at the same time."

Actually, this is "Par for the Course" at most Golden Corrals in the south. Many seniors eat here - especially before 4 p.m. - because of the good prices, good food and good variety. This is how they stretch their retirement income and maintain good nutrition.

After lunch we drove a mile or so down US-441 to Hobby Lobby. With the new material purchases made at the Quilt Show additional supplies for projects were now required.

On exit from a successful shopping mission we then headed back to the motorhome. Today I decided to try a different route. We usually turn left at this corner onto US-441 then turn onto SR-19 a short distance down the road. Then we follow SR-19 all the way back to the RV Resort. Today I went straight, turned left onto Old Mount Dora Road then right onto Grove St. This was a pleasant (slower; but little traffic) respite from the "Hustle and Bustle" on the 6 lane US-441 and the 4 lanes of SR-19 that we usually take for our return to the RV Resort.

Grove St. then merged with Bay St. (SR-19) which is our usual route. We then followed it back towards OMS with a stop at (our usual) Publix for milk, Charlotte's weekly magazine (Woman's World) and a redo on lottery tickets. (No luck this week).

Back at the motorhome, with temps now in the mid-80's F, we turned on the air and relaxed watching TV. (I also started today's blog.)

That's it for today's blog.

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