Thursday, February 23, 2017

Wed - 22 Feb/17

We made it to the Craft Room (Charlotte) and The Lodge (Moi) before the rain (9 a.m.).

It rained for a bit while we were at our respective locations.

It rained for a bit while we were at our respective locations. It had let up by the time Charlotte arrived at The Lodge to let me know she was done.

Thankfully we made it to the car and back to the RV without getting wet.

It was dull, dreary and cool. We decided the weather needed soup (Habitant Vegetable) for lunch.

Then the heavy rains arrived. It poured heavily for the next 3  hours.

Charlotte worked on her Mini-Duffle Bags while I continued on designing my FileDrawer computer program.

I am almost finished with the "Audible" (Audio Books) portion so I began working on "Recipes" today.

Charlotte did the usual great job completing four more "Mini-Duffle Bags".

Just a "Popcorn and TV" evening while the "Off and "On" rainfall continued. Rainfall locally was between 1.5" and 2" which is a record for this date. It will help as Florida is a little low on rainfall so far this year.

More rain in store for tomorrow; however only about half of today's total is expected.

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