Monday, February 20, 2017

Mon - 20 Feb/17

Another nice day weather wise! - C.C. of yesterday with less clouds.

Today was just a mess!


Today we decided to re-arrange, re-sort and re-pack the "Stuff" that stuffed the RV compartments. this took from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. That is when we decided to call it "Quits" for today.

Now the compartments above the bed are now totally "Stuffed" and will not need to be opened until we arrive back home. Much in there will then be removed as they are items that we bought or Charlotte made for gifts. There is also a decent supply of K-cups in a variety of types and flavours for home use.


Charlotte packed the 8 Picnic Placemats into a box. It will have to go outside as it is too large for the upper interior RV compartments.

Then she reorganized her "Sewing Stuff" which freed up 6 containers which will return home when we get back. They are also now in the compartments to above the bed.

The four upper compartments on the Driver's side were also re-arranged. Games have moved from the bedroom to the first pair of cupboards above the kitchen table. Breakfast cereal is also above the table as are Charlotte's PrismaColour Pencil Crayons and Colouring Books. This puts them close to where they will be used.

In the second pair of cupboards above the Sofa (Bed) we placed the materials for Charlotte's Swedish Weaving and Hardcover Books. This is where they will be used. The Pyrex bowl sets (and lids), vegetable steamer and Corning Ware (Bowl w/lid) are also there as the cupboards above the kitchen counter are already full with the everyday cups, glasses and plates. This at least puts the bowls close (across the aisle) to the kitchen workspace. The remaining portion of this pair holds cookies, popcorn, nuts and other treats.

The larger bags of Potato Chips, Ripples, Fritos and Nachos are on the top ledge above the refrigerator and pantry. This area will also hold the fresh bread and bakery items when they arrive.

At 3 p.m. we called it quits for the arranging session even though there is an equal amount still to be done. The remainder of the work (tomorrow?) will involve the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen and outside compartments.

Charlotte then began working on making a pair of the little cosmetic type bags similar (except for colour) to the neat pink one she made a few days ago.

While working we watched random TV. Of note was the TMZ coverage of comments of Donald Trump made during a campaign-style rally held in Melbourne, FL last Saturday. With thousands of supporters gathered in an aircraft hangar, Trump used his speech to talk about migration in Europe and linked it to terror attacks in Brussels, Nice and Paris. He then added Sweden to the list, incorrectly stating that an attack had happened there on Friday.

Trump told supporters: “We’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden?"

Trump continued; “Sweden, who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what’s happening in Brussels. You look at what’s happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris.”

In response (since there was no attack) the former Swedish prime minister Carl Bildt tweeted: “Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking? Questions abound.”

Again on Monday (today) morning, Bildt tweeted again: “Last year there were app 50% more murders only in Orlando/Orange in Florida, where Trump spoke the other day, than in all of Sweden. Bad,”

This is right up there with comments made by Kellyanne Conway, one of his senior advisers, who,
at the start of February cited the fictitious “Bowling Green massacre” in an interview backing the "Travel Ban" imposed on visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries.

Will Trump call his own comments (when covered on TV or in the papers) "Fake News" by the "Enemy of the American People" (meaning the Press)?

OK - Rant Over!

(I'm sorry - I just couldn't resist)

Just the regular Monday Night TV to end the day.

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