Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Tue - 14 Feb/17

Happy Valentine's Day Everybody!

A repeat of yesterday’s cloudy day again today.  No rain and temps only got up to the mid-70's F.

We were up at 7 a.m. and went to the Craft Room for 9 a.m. Most of the usual sewing folks were outside today doing a craft that would give them concrete results (grin - in advance). They were actually making garden decorations using sand/cement mixtures and molds.

Only Charlotte and Jean were sewing today so I did my internet stuff in the Craft Room rather than The Lodge.

Charlotte worked and almost finished another set (4) of Picnic Placemats. These are cute - all cupcakes. She will complete the job tomorrow.

We now have a small red headed woodpecker in the neighbourhood. He was tapping away at the oak tree just a few feet away from the RV window.

We did very little today. Charlotte did a some hand sewing and I designed a Soduko program for the computer. It can be used on a number of levels. If I'm really lazy one level automatically shows what numbers are available for each square and lets you know if you didn't pick the correct one. The auto feature can be shut off to make it more difficult. I entered 100 puzzles and made it so it can also be printed out (with a checklist sheet to aid in solving).

The blog is a little late today - it took about 12 hours to design the program so I didn't get around to doing the blog until after 3 a.m. Amazing how you can lose track of time when concentrating on a task.

Tuesdays is a good TV night. After Jeopardy and Family Feud it is an all CBS TV evening with NCIS, Bull and NCIS New Orleans.
That's it for today.

I am blaming doing little outside the RV on the dull weather - that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

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