Monday, February 13, 2017

Mon - 13 Feb/17

Mid-70's F today; however mostly complete cloud cover with little wind and a 10% chance of a sprinkle.

The dull day inspired us to take it easy in the morning.

Around noon we went to Sew What? in Umatilla, FL to check with Norlina for an available time for using the Long Arm Quilting Machine. The rental rate to use it is quite reasonable and Norlina is beyond helpful. Charlotte has already done quilt stitching on a few of her creations last year. Charlotte took her "Cat Quilt" in case it was available for use today.

Another Canadian, from the London area, was quilting. Charlotte found some material and then made an appointment for first thing Friday morning.

We returned to the motorhome (Sew What:? is only about 2 miles away) then continued our relaxation watching TV. Must be the lack of sunshine.

I made Turkey Pot Pies w/baked potatoes for dinner. We finished the Key Lime Pie for dessert.

As usual we spent the evening watching our regular TV programs - starting with Jeopardy.

Just a relaxing day. Sometimes we remember we're retired and we can do this.

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