Sunday, February 19, 2017

Sun - 19 Feb/17

The sun will be breaking through the clouds today. It will probably actually get above 80 F today as promised (yesterday - same promise - different result).

We finally made our decision about next year! We will not be reserving an RV site. That doesn't mean we will not be coming - it just means we will not be reserving ahead of time. The rules changed last year. A 3 month (or more) reservation requires a 1 month deposit (non-refundable without a doctor's note) and the remaining 2 months had to be paid on arrival. We are at the stage of life whereby we no longer make long range (more than a day away) plans and "cast them in stone". We are no longer invincible!

There is a waiting list at OMS for sites in Jan/Feb/Mar; however we probably will come next year (anytime) from November onward. There is a good chance sites will be available for Nov/Dec. At least we won't have to worry about a reservation next year. We will come when we can (if we can). We will be "Playing it by Ear".

We will go home in a month when our reservation (here) is up. Instead of returning in a week or so and staying until May we will remain at home.  We will probably go somewhere in the summer (maybe get to the 6 contiguous U.S. states or the one province (NL) we haven't been to yet?). Next year we may come in early (Nov) and return for Christmas (while leaving the RV in storage at OMS). After Christmas we then would return and then go to LA/TX/CA/AZ/NV (any or all)? for the last 3 months.

Our road trip for today was to The Villages. This is the last day for the Craft Festival at Lake Sumter Landing. There were over 200 Artisans assembled on the roads around the main square. Several thousand folks were there to shop the festival booths. I tend to think many were from The Villages as almost all the parking spots around the square were occupied by Golf Carts Cars (That's what they call them here).

It streets were totally packed!

Charlotte had a hard time deciding on the cat pictures at this booth. She finally went for the one with the glasses.

There were plenty of opportunities to snack. There were dips ... (food – not people – grin)

...Balsamic Infusions

...Cream Cheese mixes, etc., etc.

Then we came upon the Jon Jahraus booth. Jon has created numerous (and humourous) black and white cartoons depicting events that make up the human condition.

Our first step was to pick a cartoon. This was not an easy decision - it's like choosing wallpaper - there were so many great cartoons to choose from!

Jon then personalized our cartoon choice. He recorded our answers on his basic questionnaire form.

Next he masterfully (and quickly) colourizes the cartoon. He then  cleverly incorporated the information we provided onto the cartoon.

The cartoon quickly proceeded towards completion as we watched! Soon it was done! Then it was matted and framed.

...and "Voila!" We were now in possession of a unique, one of a kind creation that will become a "Forever" memory.

Jon made the whole procedure such a pleasure. It was a memorable and fun experience!

Moving on to the Lake Sumter Landing Dock we purchased tickets and within a few minutes were on a cruise of the lake. We have done this previously. I thought it would give us some relief after all the walking (a few hours) in the mid-afternoon heat (mid-80's F and sunny).

The trip lasted less than 30 minutes. It was informative (Lake Sumter History) as well as being quite humourous. (courtesy of the 1st. Mate and Tour Narrator).

After being rejuvenated by the cruise we continued along the "Dock Walk" (it rhymes - grin) to Cody's "Original" Roadhouse for lunch.

This was our first time at Cody's. It is huge and always "packed" and now we know why! Great Food and Great Prices will do it every time!

We enjoyed the weather by returning to the motorhome on the "Back Roads" (with the top off the Del Sol). An extra treat was getting a whiff of Orange Blossoms in the air - that has to be the world's greatest olfactory experience!

I thought I'd end today's blog with a linguistic flourish (grin).

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