Thursday, March 02, 2017

Wed - 1 Mar/17

I started the A/C this morning because it will be humid and almost get to 90 F today. It will be easier to keep all cool then bring it down later.

I dropped Charlotte off at the Craft Room; but instead of going to The Lodge I headed to the Laundry Room. Charlotte wanted to help; however I didn't want her to miss crafts and it would be much hotter after lunch to do the laundry (together) then.

I don't mind doing the laundry as I usually meet interesting folks to talk with while there. Today the first conversation was with these lovely folks that come from upper New York State near Buffalo. They were kind enough to open the door for me (more than once) I had 4 hampers loads to wash today. Charlotte made the task easier by sorting the loads before going to crafts.

 We always wait to "the bitter end" before doing laundry. We prefer that scenario compared to doing a load once a week. It is actually easier that way. It takes less time at an RV park than at home as I can often access 4 washing machines at once. That way it doesn't take any longer than doing a single load at home.

Once again I used my "Ladybugs" to mark the machines I was using. In case I have a "Senior Moment" I will have no problem finding the machines I have my laundry in. It is not as critical here there aren't too many machines in the laundry. I made the "Ladybugs" when we were in Arizona. The RV parks there are much larger (some over 3000 sites) as are the laundry rooms. It is a lot harder to remember when your machines are (randomly situated) in a laundry that has 60 machines.

There are no chairs allowed in the laundry room here anymore. They suggest waiting in the Rec Hall or other locations. I waited outside for half an hour. That is the time the washers take to complete their cycle.

While I moved the laundry from the washers to the dryers I had the pleasure of meeting another park resident. We managed to solve the problems of the world while waiting for our loads to dry. As I said earlier, while doing laundry, you meet such interesting people.

Things went well today. I managed to do the 4 loads, then load the loads into the car trunk and unload the loads at the motorhome and carry the loads inside and put most of the loads "away" before going "away" to pick up Charlotte at noon. Whew! I'm out of breath. That was a mouthful. (grin).

Lunch was a repeat of the Spaghetti I made yesterday. I wonder if NASA has figured out why spaghetti is better the day after???

Being it was going to be even hotter (almost 90 F) this afternoon we decided to "TV" this afternoon. We headed to Walmart around dusk. Charlotte needed material for another "Mini -Duffle Bag" as well as a whole variety of "Mystery Items", after all, she can't give a gift bag without it containing something!
After Walmart (in Mount Dora) our next stop was our usual Publix (in Eustis). Again, we enjoyed the nice warm evening by driving there "Topless" (the car - not us - another grin).

Back at the motorhome it took a little "Creative Packing" to get all the groceries into the pull-out Pantry I built last year. As they say; "Build it and it will get filled!".

It was just as hard getting everything into the refrigerator. My last chore was pre-cooking "Ground Chuck". (Relax - it's not a guy! ...its a type of ground meat". (That was a big grin). Now the "Prep Time" will be quicker when I make Spanish Rice or some other creation for lunch next week.

I am little late doing the blog tonight. It was a busy day. I managed to finish it before "The Late Show" made it to the end.

That it for today! (Literally - it just passed midnight! - Damn! Now I'm back in a "Pumpkin" instead of a motorhome!. (Groan!...I'm just too tired to grin!)

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