Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wed - 25 Mar/15

Again the humidity means the morning will be dull with overcast skies. It will eventually get sunny by late morning.and warm (85F) by the afternoon.

Charlotte headed off to crafts for 9 a.m.

Time for breakfast. I needed to do my duty. I could not let the last Krispy Kreme go stale (grin).

My first task of the morning was to double check the update on my GPS. The new map update "Froze" twice yesterday. I did an on-line check and 4 files were corrected. I will be able to see if it works next time out.

The new updated map also takes longer to display. It starts at about the same rate as the old map; however, it takes at least twice as long to initialize the map once a destination is entered. (Nearly 5 minutes which is really slow compared to the previous version. Perhaps this is related to the several new features that have been added to the update.

The screen now will automatically change from KM to MI, if needed, when entering another country. This is useful for us as we live in Canada a mile from the U.S. border. It was always a pain to change from KM to MI when visiting the USA (and back again when returning home). Another new feature shows the direction of the following (2nd) turn under the upcoming turn indicator. This is helpful as it helps in planning what side of a multi-lane road you need to be on after the initial turn. There are several new features as well as an increased database of POI. No - not the Hawaiian word for the primary Polynesian staple food made from the underground plant stem of the taro plant; but , "Points of Interest" (grin). All of these additions may contribute to the slow initial startup. Once going it works quickly.

Next duty was to install the container we purchased yesterday that holds plastic grocery store bags. The old container worked fine; but had a smaller capacity. We use these bags for the under-sink slide-out garbage bin.

The new one looks classier and has a larger capacity. Installation took longer than expected (1 hr.). I had to move the fire extinguisher bracket to allow for the larger size of the new bag storage unit.

On returning from crafts Charlotte finished preparing the salads for this afternoon's "Street Party" by adding chopped celery, green and red pepper and onion to the both the macaroni and potato salads. Naturally, I had to test the results (grin). Yummy!

While Charlotte was working on the salads I spent nearly an hour installing the old container in the bathroom. I had to move the under-counter garbage container to allow room for the unit. Most of the time was involved in fabricating a few parts. Now the garbage unit will have it's own supply.

The fog burnt off much quicker than yesterday. We took the top off the Del Sol and headed to Home Depot in Leesburg. Our mission was to purchase a Master Combination Lock Box. This will be used to hold RV access keys for emergency entry.

Charlotte, of course, won't go to The Home Depot without dressing appropriately in beige, orange and white. (grin)

Back at the RV we rested for a half hour before heading to the "Street Party". Doug spent a good deal of time last week inviting the neighbourhood to a "Potluck" at his site.

There was even a larger turnout than at last year's party - more than 50.

As usual there were enough "Potluck" dishes to feed an army and all were so tasty.

Doug's skill at the BBQ is beyond great!  He grilled our filets to perfection. Most amazing was that, even with a few dozen items on the grill, he remembered the owner of each and delivered it when ready,..and I have trouble just lighting a grill!

The weather co-operated with a perfect afternoon for the festivities. Folks had a good time chatting both before and after the meal. Thank You Doug for making this an annual event - hint!(grin).

The usual TV evening tonight starting with Jeopardy.

That sums it up for today!

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