Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thu. - 12 Mar/15

Another hot and humid day today. More than 10 F above normal. Almost another record - high 80's F.

I loaded the sewing machine into the Del Sol. Charlotte was then off to the Craft Room at 8:30 a.m. to continue working on her quilt. It is always a busy place.

I unloaded the sewing machine on her return 3 hours later.

We would finally set out to do food shopping today. We went to the Lake Country Farmer's Market in Eustis for fresh veggies. We purchases a 1/2 flat of strawberries, huge whole mushrooms, beefsteak tomatoes, sweet white onions (though not Vidalia), red and green peppers, iceberg lettuce and red and green grapes. All for good prices.

I purchase a pair of money clips at an indoor booth. Duh! - like I have any $$ to put in them (grin). I use one for US $ and another for Canadian bills. Usually Canadians need two - one for regular bills and another for Canadian Tire Money (another grin). I also bought a new wallet as my old one was getting pretty dilapidated. I also carry two wallets. One for all the RV Club Cards (Good Sam, Passport America, Flying J, etc.) and the other for ID (Driver's Licence, Health Card, Out-of-Country Health, etc.).Better than sitting on one fat wallet.

Our next stop was for lunch at Burger King in front of the Publix grocery store. Being it was just a little after noon they were really busy, This is the best time for burgers as they are fresh from the grill to the bun. Better than when they are re-heated or just keep warm.

After lunch Charlotte walked to the Publix to start shopping while I went to move the car closer to the store. I had to wait for the "Fresh Beef" to pass - sure looked like Buffalo to me? (grin). Notice how I resisted the temptation to make a joke about Burger King (you fill it in yourself).

After stocking up with the food basics at Publix (including their famous Key Lime Pie for a treat) we were soon loaded up and heading back to the RV. After unpacking we decided to stay in the air-conditioned RV and watch TV for the afternoon. We were hoping the extra rest would help us get back in sync after the DST time change.

News Note: I-95 was shut down on one side for nearly 6 hours yesterday - the same today! I can't imagine being stuck in traffic in 90 F and high humidity for hours - especially without A/C. That would be brutal. We didn't even take the top off the Del Sol today - just enjoyed the A/C.

We stayed in the RV the rest of the afternoon. Occasionally, both A/C units were running to keep it cool. This is when I miss the dry heat of Arizona. Even when it was 100 F we were comfortable without A/C due to the 4% humidity...and I always that "Dry Heat" was just a joke.

It was another Jeopardy and TV evening again.

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