Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thu 26 Mar/15

Set the TV to come on at 7:30 a.m. so I could get to Wally's Garage on time.

The Honda Del Sol is 20 years old. The glue dried out on the driver's side signal light and it fell off .(somewhere?). It doesn't look half bad; however the reflector, which was protected by the cover, would eventually tarnish. I figured the other signal light might not be too far behing in loosing it cover. To have a match I ordered the pair.

Honda no longer has that part available. OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts suppliers did not have that part either (although they said they did). I ordered a non-OEM part that was certified by DOT and guaranteed to be perfect replacement fit. I think this part was probably made by the original supplier to Honda as it was a perfect replacement and impossible to tell that it was not an OEM.

Wally had the both lights installed in minutes. This was hardly enough time to enjoy looking over his "Drag Car". This 800+ horsepower, 200 + MPH car does the quarter mile in the 7 second bracket. Wally, an engine building whiz, plans on installing dual blowers giving it gobs more horsepower and an even faster 1/4 mile time.

The new "matched pair" look great; however, it will take then some time to "weather match" the original 20 year old headlights.

Instead of going to crafts Charlotte worked on her new patterned quilt in the RV. I helped make the final pattern setup last night. It was finished when I returned. Now it needs the borders and the backing to be cut and added.

With the day being "Dull" we opted to spend it resting and doing "RV things". Afternoon and evening chances of rain are fairly high meaning it is not an optimal day for travelling. We had thought about getting tickets for the Sha-Na-Na concert in The Villages for tomorrow evening; however, we decided to pass (We have seen them "In Concert" previously) due to the predicted weather.

Watching the "Local News" today we see that the weekly (or more frequent) track record for vehicles hitting buildings, driving into bodies of water, road rage shootings, homicides, robberies and highways becoming "parking lots", as well as other "stranger than fiction" events, is still intact.

Many events involve handguns. This week's tragedy: A dinnertime quarrel over food between three unsupervised brothers turned deadly when a 13-year-old boy shot his brothers killing a 6-year-old, injuring a 16-year-old brother and then killing himself.

Local news tracks storms by the minute. They are really accurate and a  "cell" with 50 mph winds, hail, thunder and lightning is approaching. Green is rain, dark green = heavier, severity increases as the radar image goes from yellow through darker shades of orange and red. They even count the lightning strikes which often number in the thousands. They are referring to this as a "Summer-like Pattern". Being Florida it can go from sunshine to downpour in minutes. We "battened down the hatches" and pulled in the RV awning just in case.

Hey, this is Florida! It got darker with black skies around us. I could see the nearby tree tops waving in the wind - then it was all gone and sunshine broke through for a bit with temps near 90 F (rain areas dropped to low 70's F.)

We dodged the bullet! This is still better than the fury of the first major "Tornado Outbreak" that brought death and destruction to Oklahoma and Arkansas yesterday. After what has been an incredibly slow start to the twister season in the U,S. "Storm Chasers" in the heart of "Tornado Alley" are now actively back in business.

We do keep an eye on the storm tracking websites. Last year, while planning our trip home, storms caused us to cancel our plans for taking the "Natchez Trace" on our trip home. We had planned on re-visiting the new "Elvis Museum" complex in Tupelo, MS. We were there previously just as it was approaching completion and wanted to see the finished product. It was a good thing we diverted as a tornado touched down within 5 miles of the site. We try to avoid driving our 60 feet of Motorhome/Car (aka SAIL) during major storms, especially those with high winds.

The chances of rain increase for Friday (80%) with well over 1" predicted for the more severe storms; however, the weekend looks great for sunshine!

The usual TV night started with Jeopardy.

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