Monday, March 16, 2015

Mon - 16 Mar/15

Another great day weather wise today!

Charlotte was up early this morning. She had to cut and prepare the materials for this afternoon's craft session. It was easier to cut and press the material in the RV prior to going to class. This way she could also iron the material without having to wait her turn using the craft room iron.

After lunch Charlotte headed to crafts at 1 p.m.. I did some odd jobs around the RV until she returned about 3:30 p.m. I gave her the post office box key so she could check to see if any of the several items I ordered recently from Amazon had arrived. She checked after leaving the craft room. The Post Office is right next door. She returned with one item and a "You've Got Mail" card indicating an item too large for the box was available for pick-up at the OMS Main Office.

I went and picked up the second item. Like the first item it was an attachment for her Brother Quilting Sewing Machine.  I ordered several items as gifts for Charlotte to help with her crafting. A few more should be arriving later this week.

Charlotte's project for today, a mesh purse, turned out great! Julie, who is usually found working in the OMS office, occasionally instructs a craft session. As usual, she did an excellent job!

This morning, after searching the internet for a gift I wanted to buy for Charlotte, I phoned to double-check if it was really in stock at the Bed, Bath and Beyond store in Winter Garden. The four stores located closer to us did not show having any in stock when I checked the website. I called Winter Garden, they did and I had one set aside for pick-up.

When Charlotte returned I went to pick up the package at the Main Office. I also delivered the garbage and recyclables to the compactor at the same time. We then headed for B, B and B. It was still quite warm so we left the top on the Del Sol and turned up the A/C.

It was a comparably quick and easy ride. We took our usual "quiet roads" to connect to US-441 at Mt. Dora. From there we headed towards Apopka. Here the FL-429 Toll Road brought us right next to our destination which was just a few blocks from the Winter Garden exit.

At the Triple B store I picked up my order, a Conair Microabrasion Facial System. The RV is a little drier than usual because we are running the A/C to keep the humidity and heat level manageable. I thought this would be a treat for her as well as providing a little relaxation.

We found a few other items (you know - things we didn't know we needed) at the B Cubed.

It was now time for supper and I knew just where we would be going. Five Guys Burgers and Fries.

There burgers are the best and their fries are the closest to the Canadian style "French Fries" that we can find in the USA.

The Cherry Trees were in blossom. Charlotte had a sniff. They are very pretty; however, nothing can compare to the perfume of the Orange Blossoms that we enjoyed lately as we cruised by the Orange Groves. It is no accident that the main road for this area (US-441) is also known as  the "Orange Blossom Trail".

As we exited the Toll Road (FL-429) I noticed a turn to CR-437 went towards Sorrento. I took that instead of taking US-441 that we came down on. This, of course, upset the GPS; however, I persisted and it paid off. A few jogs later took us through nice countryside filled with numerous greenhouses that grew everything from Orchids to African Violets. It was much more pleasant moving at 45 mph (now with the top off). CR-437 to SR-44 brought us back to our usual route home. Next time we need to connect to the Toll Road (FL-429) and we aren't in a hurry I will take this much more enjoyable route.

We returned to the RV just as the twilight was waning. I set the TV for the CBS channel to watch  Scorpion and CSI Los Angeles and started the blog. Charlotte was watching the bedroom TV while making use one of the purchases at B3.

Note: That's the 5th different way I named the same store. I like variety. (grin).

The Moist/Dry King Size Heating PAd w/Automatic Off, that we didn't know we needed turned out to be needed. It proved relaxing for Charlotte's back which was causing her some grief. She figured her back pain was due to the chair/table height in the craft room which made using the sewing machine a bit awkward.

That was pretty much it for today!

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