Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tue - 10 Mar/15

I was up and out by 8:00 a.m. this morning. I had an appointment at Wally's Garage to get the A/C serviced. When I put it on A/C when we came back down south (Saturday) it didn't work???

Monday I phoned Wally and got the appointment for this morning. Last year I also had A/C problems - the coolant fluid was low. I discovered Wally then by asking around. Don't use the yellow pages - just ask locals. I was sure glad I did. Wally was absolutely excellent!

A few years back when the Del Sol suddenly quit (we were in San Jose, CA for an NHL hockey game) I left explicit details at the Honda dealership (towed there) on what I wanted done. I knew what part had failed. Of course, as soon as they discovered I was from Canada I was at their mercy. They did fix the Del Sol (exactly what I said it needed) except the charged me almost $700 for a $100 repair. They said they couldn't do it without putting it on the diagnostics machine ($200 each use)  - once to verify the problem and once to confirm it was fixed.

It is different at Wally's Garage on US-441 in Eustis, FL! Wally not only has vast experience - he is totally honest. I went to a national repair center a few years back when the A/C wasn't working (again, low fluid) and they were all set to charge me $1500 for a whole new unit. Last year when it didn't work Wally determined it was low fluid. He tightened the connections and recharged the unit. He did not try to sell me a whole new A/C system. The cost was way beyond reasonable.

This time it was once again a leaking (Schrader) valve. Wally took it apart, cleaned it and re-assembled. (other places would sell a new unit). A fluid refill later and all was good to go - all at a more than reasonable price. This service included a ride back to the RV and a pick-up when the work was done. You can't get any better than that! Top notch honest service at a reasonable price is difficult to come by these days. I tried to convince Wally to move to Canada (grin).

Bonus: Wally also has a great sense of humour (humor - if you're American). I like his idea that all politicians should have to dress in NASCAR Jump Suits with patches sponsor patches identifying where they get their donations. At least that way we would know who they are catering to!

P.S. Wally is also a Corvette Specialist with an '81 and 2014 of his own.

During the day Charlotte finished the apron (made from my shirt) - looks great! I think I will have to donate another shirt soon! It is always good to have a back-up.

When I returned with a "Cooler" Del Sol we went to Arby's for supper. It was another great day in the mid-80's F - hard to not go for a convertible ride. Charlotte likes the "French Dip" (Roast Beef) at Arby's. I like "The Classic" (Roast Beef) with plenty of "Horsey Sauce". Wow! When the horseradish goes up your nose it sure clears the sinuses.

After Arby's the Del Sol got an automatic car wash to get off all the road salt that we accumulated on the way back to Florida. We made it back to the RV in time for my Tuesday night NCIS TV program fix although we did miss Jeopardy.

We will be to bed right after as we are still trying to get back into sync after two 750 mile driving days compounded by losing an hour of sleep with the time change.

Otherwise things are getting back to normal.

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