Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thu - 19 Mar/15

Heavy dew on the car this morning with a hazy start to the day. Humidity Level is 100%; but should lessen to 90% as it burns off in a few hours. The temps will still be in the 80's F today; however, with the extra humidity comes a chance of showers (20% - somewhere/sometime). It will be a "Sticky" day.

This morning I will do "Odds and Ends" around the RV. First up, The "cigarette lighter" plug-in end for the GPS charger is broken. I kept thinking it would go off because it slid out of the socket. It would go back on when pushed back in (harder). Closer inspection showed that the end had actually broken off.

Our "Auto Zone" quest on yesterday's excursion failed to find a cigarette lighter plug-in (I tried a few auto part stores). Cigarette lighters in cars are a "Thing of the Past". A plug-in with "wires only" is a rare find these days.

I did manage to find a "Double Outlet Lighter Adapter" that had two two wired connectors. Most are now self contained with USB or Lightning (Apple) plug in's.

I cut off one of the cigarette lighter plug-in section of the GPS charger (mutilated would be a better word) and soldered the wires to a cut-off end of the new plug-in. It's not pretty; but it works! The result was never in doubt (grin)... and all this before 8 a.m.

Charlotte headed off to crafts for 9 a..m. Thursday's are a "Do-Your-Own-Thing" day. Charlotte has enough "Odds and Ends" projects to keep her busy until next year.

I also planned our route to Winter Park, FL. My aim is always to find scenic roads with less traffic to make our excursions more enjoyable. We are now at the "Age and Stage" of life if we have to rush we probably won't go. You know, it's time to stop and smell the "Orange Blossoms"!

The Annual Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival, or WPSAF, starts tomorrow. It is one of the top rated shows of it's type in the USA. It is rated the #1 juried (all entries have to be judged) art show in the nation. The Mt. Dora Art Show, which we attended early in the year, is ranked #7. Sunshine Artist Magazine ranked The WPSAF #5 in the nation in their 2014 list of Best 200 Fine Art and Design Shows based on sales as reported by exhibiting artists.

I was just informed by my daughter (Liz) that Marty (our grandson) now has his own cell phone. He is 9 years old. I don't think I knew how to use a phone (on the wall) until I was 9. It was intimidating! You had to talk to an operator and give them the number you were calling. At least I knew my own number: "4231J". On those old wall phones "Speed Dial"  was saying the number quickly (grin).

My next project at the RV was to take measurements for the material needed for each RV Wheel Well Cover Panel. The hardest part was locating a tape measure. You know the problem. You put things in a "Safe Place" - then you can't remember where the safe place is! No luck - I think it is in Charlotte's Sewing bag which left with her this morning. At least I found a yardstick!

After all that I will have to wait for Charlotte anyway. I have the size; but need to know how wide she wants the seams for sewing before I cut.

Charlotte returned after 2 hours of frustration. She was attempting to finish her quilt. The pattern is complicated and getting 1 square in the wrong place messes up everything. It was easier for me as men are visual; whereas women are verbal - you know - it's a right brain/left brain thing. Charlotte is left handed which means she is the only one in her "Right Mind" (grin).

I didn't check the park post office box this afternoon to see if the last item I ordered from Amazon had arrived. I used the on-line tracking feature that shows it has shipped; but is not yet out for local delivery. It is supposed to be here Friday.

It was a busy street this afternoon. A new neighbour moved onto the end lot across the street.

At the end of the street there was a huge party going on. The empty lot next to us was packed with cars and the corner across the street had several golf carts (they are not golf cars here - grin).

Another "Top Off" cruise in the Del Sol this evening. We headed for "The Landing" in The Villages. There is alway live entertainment nightly in each of The Villages town squares. Tonight is also "Market Night" at the Lake Sumter Landing Square. Merchants set up their tents around the square for the evening.

We had to put the top on at Lady Lake. Just in time as a downpour hit. By the time we got to the landing all was dry again. The landing was packed. This is the beginning of Spring Break holidays and many of the children and grandkids were visiting parents residing in The Villages. The street parking was packed with Golf Carts Cars. Four park in a single car parking slot. Only a few cars managed to find a parking spot on the streets. There is an abundance of parking behind the stores and restaurants and most of them were full. We had to park 2 blocks away.

We checked out the vendors around the square then went to IZOD.

Charlotte found two tops to match slacks purchased previously at this store.

We shared a nacho meal at the "City Fire" restaurant on the square at our usual corner table on the patio. Sitting here we can enjoy the music from the square. Rocky and the Rollers were playing tonight. They are a large group (8) that sound great when playing the oldies.

Rocky and the Rollers have over 35 years of experience touring around the world in a wide range of musical situations, from fairs and festivals to conventions and black tie affairs, concert halls and solo hotel and club dates.

Rocky And The Rollers have worked with DICK CLARK on many of his Rock and Roll shows.  They have performed with and played for over 250 of the many great recording artists of the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s like CHUCK BERRY, FABIAN, THE DRIFTERS, BO DIDDLEY, THE SHIRELLES, LOU CHRISTIE, JERRY LEE LEWIS, PETER NOONE, DANNY AND THE JRS.,  and DEL SHANNON just to name a few.

The guys have also performed many shows with the Late and Great WOLFMAN JACK and other radio and television personalities. They are best known as the touring band for BOWZER’S ROCK AND ROLL PARTY with Jon “BOWZER” Bauman former leader of SHA NA NA.

Since the music stops a 9 p.m. we left the square about 15 minutes prior to the end to beat the mass exodus. 

The ride back was fine for the first part of the trip. Just past Weirsdale it began to increase in intensity. Then the deluge hit! We were down to a crawl with the 4-way flashers on as we tried to keep moving at about 20 mph. Water on the road was inches deep in the hollows. If it wasn't for the reflectors down the centerline we could not have seen where we were going. Florida can do that - no snow plows to dig them up. At best we could only see a few car lengths ahead. Visibility improved slightly when we turned from East to South at Altoona making it easier to see for the last few miles.

The downpour was down to sprinkles about 10 minutes after arriving at the RV.

Somehow we managed to have another busy day!

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