Saturday, March 21, 2015

Sat - 21 Mar/15

The fog didn't burn off until mid-afternoon.

This will be a "Park Day".  The Volunteers for the Umatilla Fire Department are putting on a Spaghetti Supper in the Main Hall to raise funds to replace old and worn equipment.

Charlotte continued working on "My Quilt". It is almost finished. After cleaning up the loose threads Charlotte only needs to sew on the edge binding. I added "Sam's Club w/Gas" locations to my computer database program I am designing. I only add this info for 4 states. It does take time.

New neighbours moved in (for two days) on the corner lot next to us. Wow! They have been to all the US states - twice! They are only here for a few days before travelling on to a "Rally" west of here.

Actually, we met them when a knock came at our door. They noticed water was leaking from our RV and came over to tell us. They hot water tank has a Safety Pressure Relief Valve if the water gets too hot and builds up pressure. I turned off the heater and relieved some of the pressure. It was fine after doing this. The 90 F temps and high humidity probably made it a little more sensitive. This is the first time it has done this so we will keep our eye on it.

We headed over to the Main Hall for the Spaghetti Supper for the 5:30 p.m. which was the second "Sitting". Due to the good support from the RV residents two sittings were needed and the evening dance for this evening was cancelled to allow for more than one sitting.

All at the folks in the park consider themselves part of the Umatilla community when they are here in the winter. Their support was certainly evident today.

We had planned on staying for the dance after the supper; however, since it was cancelled we decided to return to the RV and watch TV. Charlotte continued working on "My Quilt" and I added more data on the computer.

That wraps it up for today.

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