Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sat - 14 Mar/15

Clear skies this morning. The highs are still in the mid-80's F for today and tomorrow with a 20% chance of rain. In Florida that usually means a small chance of a quick shower somewhere. Next week is supposed to be in the 70's with less humidity - Yea!

A lot of bikers were on the road today. The usual weekend warriors plus the hordes leaving for home from Daytona Bike Week.

We decided to head to Renninger's Flea/Farmers Market in Mt Dora just after 11 a.m. The ride with the top off was fine as long as we were moving. At a long stop light we could really feel the heat and humidity.

Our first stop in the Flea Market was for a Root Beer Float for Charlotte. I got my usual - 1 dozen mini-donuts w/cinnamon and confectioner's sugar. This is the best section at the market when it is hot as this indoor part is Air Conditioned.

I next picked up a leather change purse and then headed to see if there were any new "Metal Sign" collectibles for my "Lucinda Lewis" collection". There are several signs made from photos from her  "Roadside America" book (Gift from Kat). I found two signs I needed for my collection.

Ooops! Correction - 1 only bought one new sign! I took photos of signs from the book and added them to my iPhone; Unfortunately, I forgot to identify the signs. I could tell which signs I needed. When I got back to the RV I found I already had an Al Mac's Drive-In sign. I should be able to return it for exchange.

We then headed down the indoor rows which do not have A/C. At least being covered offers some protection from the sun; but not the humidity. Our first stop, at the end of the first row, resulted in Charlotte purchasing two Boyds Bear Resin collectibles.

Bonus: They were both #1's (w/their original boxes)! They were also at a huge discount. The vendor indicated she was no longer selling this line. Actually, nobody is! The company that rescued Boyds Bears (from bankruptcy) and resurrected it for a few years stopped marketing the "Resins" as of December 31st.

Hearing this put Charlotte in a bargaining mood. We made an offer and saved 50% - wow!

Another great Boyds buy from another booth. Charlotte found a pair of Boyds (Plush) Bears that she purchased as a gift for a fellow crafter who had just finished making a quilt using Boyds Bear fabric. These will be a perfect addition.

We weren't done yet! Charlotte found a leather purse that she liked. She bargained again and got an additional 20% discount from the vendor's original price. This was great as it was already offered at half the price that she paid for a similar purse (different colour) back home in Canada.

I'm blaming the shopping spree on the heat. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

I remembered that Charlotte couldn't find the Aveeno "Positively Radiant" lotion yesterday at Walmart. Walmart only carries a brand's lower priced items that come in large sizes (harder to shoplift and easier to sell). I pulled into Walgreens on our way back to the RV to check if they might have what she needed..

While Charlotte was shopping a Motocross Biker stopped and parked next to me. Like me, he wanted to park in the only shade available. He went in for a can of cool (sport drink of some brand). We he returned we talked for a bit. He wanted to do a little "Dirt Biking"; however the facility he first went to was closed. They said the track was too dry.

I teased him saying; "I see you bought a bike to match your T-shirt which was also lime green. (Maybe he was getting ready for St. Patrick's Day? - grin)

I noticed he couldn't find the map he needed when he checked on his smartphone. I offered my assistance. Lucky for him (and me) I knew the route. I told him to go to the light (I pointed the direction) and continue (west). At the next light (a little more than half a mile down the road) make a turn right onto CR-452. Follow it for about 10 miles. It will end at CR-42. Turn left and it will take you right to US-27/US-441.

I explained that by going this way he will miss all the heavy traffic through Leesburg and Lady Lake. It is miles shorter and a much nicer road as well. That's a common problem with GPS directions. They pick the main  roads; but they do not know "the lay of the land". He was now good to go.

Charlotte found what she needed. I told her to buy two (My on-going reason is that it's cheaper than gas). By buying two you can purchase a replacement when the first one is finished.while on a regular shopping excursion. This is cheaper and more convenient than having to make a special trip.

Unfortunately, no luck with this,. They only had one in stock. This was probably because it was pricey and small in size (the same reason Walmart doesn't even stock it?)..

In a few minutes we were back at the park unloading everything into the RV.

After a bit Charlotte made really tasty toasted tomato sandwiches. Yummy! Dessert was fresh strawberries w/whipped cream. Bonus: Charlotte cut up too many strawberries. Only one bowl is pictured - it was followed by a second (sinfully good!).

We decided to "Veg"for the rest of the afternoon. We watched the NASCAR (Infinity 200) race from Phoenix International Raceway in Arizona. It was extremely hot there, as usual, with a track temp of 118 F. All that black pavement doesn't help. We were there for Drag Races a few years back. We didn't make it for the full session due to the heat.

(Note: The Shelby Cobra Factory is part of the Speedway complex and well worth a visit.)

Charlotte did her best to locate enough "Green" for the St. Patrick's Dance in the main hall this evening. This was not a major event so Rule #23 applied: At an RV Park Event; being there a half hour early means you are already 15 minutes late. Despite this we were in the back section of the hall due to the large crowd that had already arrived.

Everyone was Irish tonight! Most folks were participating in "The Wearing of the Green". "The Wearing of the Green".is an old Irish street ballad lamenting the repression of the supporters of the Irish Rebellion of 1798 which proclaimed "They are hanging men and women for the wearing of the green". Fortunately, there were no hangings here tonight; however there were many humourous (Canadian spelling) shirts and hats. My favourite was: "University of Ireland: Fiss Ed."

A fellow Crafter (Marina) stopped by to chat with Charlotte about the upcoming craft class on Monday. I went to the Activity Board and took a picture on both Monday's and Wednesday's craft session requirements so Charlotte would have the details (later when printed).

Shortly after two couples arrived asking if the remaining chairs at our table were taken. They were not. This is one of the best things about an over-55 RV park. You get to meet so many wonderful folks. Joy and Ron sat on our side of the table.

Their friends sat on the other side. I did not get their names. The hall was really noisy. My pair of hearing aids have their microphone pickups facing behind me (who thought that up?). I could hear the folks at the table behind me better than those sitting next to me. I asked Charlotte if she knew their names. When we were introduced Charlotte mentioned to them that she was terrible with names and would probably soon forget. She was true to her word. She couldn't remember. (I do know they were from Minnesota - if that helps?)

The Minnesota folks graciously offered to take our picture. they did a great job. (I'm the one on the right - grin!) This is no reference to the song lyrics for "The One On The Right Is On The Left".

             Well, the one on the right was on the left
             And the one in the middle was on the right
             And the one on the left was in the middle
             And the guy in the rear was a Methodist.

None of this applied here tonight; but, I digress.

We managed to get up (like most everyone else) to dance to the "Slow" ones. These were everyone's favourites always packing the dance floor. We ended up having to dance in the main entrance at the back of the hall. Folks were even dancing in the aisles. Gee - sounds like "Wasn't That a Party" by the Irish Rovers.

          Could've been the whiskey
          It might have been the gin
          Could have been the three or four six packs, I don't know
          But look at the mess I'm in
          My head is like a football
          I think I'm going to die
         Tell me, me oh, me oh my
         Wasn't that a party

         Someone took a grapefruit
         Wore it like a hat
         I saw someone under my kitchen table
         Talking to my old tom cat
         They were talking about hockey
         The cat was talking back
         Long about then everything went black
         Wasn't that a party

         I'm sure it's just my memory
         Playing tricks on me
         But I think I saw my buddy
         Cutting down my neighbor's tree

         Billy Joe and Tommy
         Well they went a little far
         They were sitting in the back yard, blowing on a siren
         From somebody's police car
         So you see, Your Honor
         It was all in fun
         The little bitty track meet down on main street
         Was just to see if the cops could run
         Well they run us in to see you
         In an alcoholic haze
         I sure can use those thirty days
        To recover from the party

I see a "lyrical" pattern emerging! 

None of the above descriptions were going on here; however, everyone did have a great time!

This was a great way to end a busy day!

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