Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tue - 31 Mar/15

The humidity is increasing giving an overcast sky this morning. It would only start "burning off" as it approached the noon hour.

Folks are starting to head home. Our neighbours across from us pulled out this morning.

The Hot Water is on and it is not leaking. Yeah! We can once again shower in the RV. The main clubhouse showers are immaculate - just inconvenient.

Tuesday is the day of the week without in-park activities in which we participate. We will decide what will be on the agenda after our showers.

Oh well! Best laid plans. We just decided to be lazy this afternoon. Charlotte had a B/W movie on TV, you know, one with dialog, a story, no foul language and no violence.

The rest did us good since we have been quite busy lately. It was a nice relaxing day.

Since it is Tuesday, I will watch my usual CBS evening shows after Jeopardy and Family Feud.

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