Monday, March 23, 2015

Mon - 23  Mar/15

Today we planned on going to the Webster Flea/Farmers Market. The weather put a quick stop to that plan. Hearing the continuous patter of rain on the RV required that we roll over and go back to sleep.
We did so and slept in until 10 a.m.

Today will be rain - all day. The rain and will continue coming down steadily until tomorrow morning. It continuously varies from light to heavy. The exceptional downpours will mostly be north of us. This is the "Dry Season" so any rain is welcome.

It still may get to almost 80 F today; however, it will be in the mid 70's most of next week. The weather pattern, since we arrived in December, has been a warmer than average. I don't hear anyone complaining (except those who live in the NW USA.(grin).

The privacy screen on the RV is soaked making the view outside quite dreary.

I am sure everyone (except for our 2 day neighbours who just left the park for their next destination) will be remaining inside. It took quite a while to get on the internet, so I will make this a wrap for the day as we will only be doing computer or craft stuff while we watch TV.

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