Monday, January 30, 2012

Mon - Jan 30/12

I made a big breakfast with fried eggs topped with cheese slices and fried bologna that kept us going all day.

I had to take print out,  sign, scan and return by email a form for the new A/C rebate to my contractor.

Charlotte went to Pen & Ink in the afternoon. I went later to do the laundry a little later. This is our first laundry visits since we arrived. The hospital week delayed the inevitable.

I went to check out Charlotte's Pen & Ink to take a picture of the class between the wash and the dry cycles. Too late! She was just leaving when I arrived. She had just finished her first project.

                                                                  What a Great Picture!

I checked our park mail box while she went to the activity room to sign up for the next Pen & Ink class. Like home - it was all junk mail except for the Activity Calendar for February.

We met again in the laundry. We loaded everything into the dryers and sat outside on a bench while that cycle completed. We talked to different park residents. One was walking his "mutt". It was really cute - a miniature "Murf" ( our late dog).

Another resident recognized us. She asked if we had sat together at an event. (Yes - this year and last year as well). She then remembered they had talked about Charlotte's sewing machine had quit working properly and asked if it was fixed. She laughed when Charlotte said she had got a new (Brother) sewing machine with a quilting extension. She had said, "Maybe you'll get a new one!" and she was right!

This year they are sending the monthly utility bills by email. The charges were:
- Sewer                  $28.58
- Garbage Pick-up  $15.00
- Electricity             $28.94
- Other Chg.           $15.00
- Electricity Tax      $  3.38
                    Total:  $90.90

I will have to go to Guest Services and pay the bill tomorrow. They accept only cash or cheques for monthly  rentals and monthly service fees.

The busy day exhausted Charlotte. She had a nap on the sofa after we returned to the RV.  I was quite  tired as well but did not nap.

Our planned grocery shopping trip would wait until tomorrow.

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