Monday, January 02, 2012

Sat - Dec 31/11

We woke up to record setting or tying high temperatures in the area. Queen Creek, about 15 miles away, hit 84F. Hard to imagine that yesterday, a half day’s drive away (Socorro, NM), had us in freezing weather and snow.

I went to the office early to book into the park. They would not be opening until 10 a.m. so I did a little tour to check out some changes made under the new management. The stained glass now has only one of the three regular staff from last year. They will no longer sell glass or materials and will not be teaching. Equipment will be available and there will only be a charge for grouting which will be done on certain days. I don’t think there will be a daily charge? This will not be a concern for us. We did stained glass for 3 years and did not intend to do it this year.

Wood carving will share the room with quilting. Charlotte brought her sewing machine and a hundred or so “fat quarters”. This was what she intended to do this year. I may try wood carving later this year. Charlotte also signed up for pen & ink and painting. I might go to the woodshop if I want to make some custom items for the RV.

The activity room has a wall of activity postings. It also now has two of pool tables. There are still pool tables in the Billiards Room which will be available for activities or crafts. I think these pool tables may eventually leave the park or be moved to the new section? The computer room is still there and so is the library. The card room may move to the Billiards Room as well?

When the office opened I had Judy book me in until April 1st. Charlotte wanted to try a North facing lot so she could have shade in the afternoon. North facing lots are the most sought after. To accomplish this we will be on Lot # 190 on 4th Street until March 1st then I will move to Lot # 238 on 6th Street until Apri 1st. I also got tickets for the New Year’s Eve Dance.

We made the move to Lot # 190 in stages. Charlotte drove the Del SoI to our new lot and I picked her up in the RV. I then drove to the Shell gas station just up the road to fill-up. If things progress as usual fuel will be about a dollar more a gallon by the time we leave.

We returned to the park which enters off US-60 East. US-60 is a limited access multi-lane highway up to Gold Canyon where it remains a four lane but with traffic lights and cross roads rather than exit ramps. To enter when going west it is easier to turn off US-60 onto Superstition Mountain Drive, do a U-turn a few blocks up and return to the light. This way I have the light without a rush of traffic when turning left rather than having to make a U-turn at the light to change directions on US-60. The RV was then set up and hooked up.

Next, the Del Sol got a well deserved top-of-the-line wash at the Lube & Wash just up the road. We went to Jack-in-the-Box for a burger just across from the park. Unlike McD’s or Burger King, Jack-in-the-Box only makes your burger when ordered – no pre-cooking. This makes it warmer and juicier…mmm.

We did a little organizing until it was time to get ready for the New Year’s Eve Dance at 8 pm. The theme was “Magic”. They always do a good job decorating for events. 3 Speed (the band) played here last year – a good selection of 55+ music. Unlike back home, the meal was not served after midnight. They just kept filling up the jumbo shrimp, finger food and pastries which were available all evening. We sat with a nice couples from Wisconsin and South Dakota.

Soon it was Midnight and a New Year! This is late for the park – most events end at 10 p.m.

Back to the RV shortly after midnight. Time to crash! Still shirt only temperatures. It will take a few days to rest and organize.

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