Friday, January 13, 2012

Fri - Jan 13/12

Hooray! Clear blue skies have returned!

Took it easy in the RV before heading out to the Mesa Swap Meet after lunch. Our mission had 3 objectives.

1.  To get more Cinnamon Raisin Bread for breakfast and a Carrot Cake for dessert.
     - Success - 50% - they were out of Carrot Cake so we got an extra loaf of bread instead.

2.  To get a rolling suitcase for the new sewing machine.
     - Success - 100% (Maybe? - I think the sewing machine will fit)

3.  To get a yard or two of huck toweling (for embroidery - another camper wants Charlotte to show her how it is done.)
     - Success - 0% - the booth that had the huck toweling the past few years was no longer there?

Change of plans - instead of shopping at the Wal-Mart on Signal Butte near the Swap Meet we headed to the closest Michael's address I had on the GPS on Gilbert Road (about 10 miles away). Wrong address. So I continued on Gilbert to the Michaels further out (another 5 miles) on Gilbert (just over the Loop 202). No luck. The kit with huck towelling fabric was not satisfactory. They do not sell material by the yard.

Change of plans again. To avoid the rush hour traffic we decided to have supper at Chili's. They were remodelling which wasn't a problem. Charlotte really enjoyed the Mediterranean Salad. I had "loaded" baked potato skins - mmmm.

We then shopped at the Target SuperStore (same one as a few days ago) at this mall instead of the Wal-Mart as planned. We then took the Loop 202 East (two exits) to the Jo-Ann Fabrics where Charlotte was able to get the material and embroidery thread she required.

With rush hour over it was an easy ride back along Loop 202 (East) to US-60 and then to our RV Park.

Unpacked the groceries (mostly cleaning supplies) then checked out the rolling luggage case.

Hooray! The Sewing Machine and extension arm fit perfectly. It even has straps to secure it and a velcro bag for accessories. Now Charlotte can wheel it to the sewing room with ease.

Eventually all three mission objectives (except for the Carrot Cake) were accomplished and we settled in for an evening of TV before bed.

Chalk up another nice day in the Valley of the Sun!

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