Monday, January 02, 2012

Mon - Jan 2/12

Got up at 7 a.m. This might be the norm for being down here. (I doubt it?)

Cheerios for breakfast – this will be the norm!

We watched the Rose Bowl Parade and some of the Bowl games. The Outback Bowl – Michigan vs Georgia got exciting at the end. Michigan tied it in the last few seconds to force overtime. They went into the 4th overtime. They would stop each other or score equally (field goals) until Michigan State won by blocking the tying field goal try by Georgia!

Cleaned the windshield and side windows and installed the privacy screens.

Round 2 of the pork chop meal from last night for dinner. Still great!
Got the blog up to date.

Charlotte rested today - everything caught up with her. She read outside for a while then had a nap inside.

We were too tired to cook - it was Jack-in-the Box (across the road) for supper.

Then a ride around the park. It was great to have the top off in the car. Still warm even after sunset. Charlotte check the General Sewing room times for tomorrow. She will check it out and see what is involved.
May not be much to report for a few days.

May be ZZZZZzzzzz…!

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