Thursday, January 05, 2012

Thu – Jan 5/12

Up at 7:30 a.m.

After breakfast Charlotte went for a walk to return the library books.

I unloaded the bikes from the rack on the motorhome. That job took a half hour. A lot of bungee cords to unhook!

Today was garbage day. The trash cans were all lined up along the curb like soldiers at attention.This year instead of placing your garbage in bags at the curb each lot has a special large wheeled trash can. A garbage truck equipped with a “grabber arm” picks up the can, dumps it into the truck and returns the can to the curb. This is a much better arrangement. You don’t accumulate garbage bags inside the RV during the week.

I then looked up area activities on the computer using the park Wi-Fi. The system has improved since last year with an additional tower and more bandwidth. It still requires more of both to be really suitable but it’s a start! Today I searched for the dates of some of our usual events (Barrett-Jackson Car Auction, Fiesta Dog Show and the Gourd Festival) as well as a for few new ones, such as, The Quilt, Craft and Sewing Festival, The Monster Truck Jam and Roller Derby. Not saying we will go to all – but at least we know when they occur.

After the library Charlotte stopped in to check out the sewing room and returned to the RV about 11:30 a.m. We then rode our bikes up to the Activity Center for lunch. They had run short of spaghetti yesterday (Italian Day) so we went early. Today was Taco Thursday – a favourite of ours!

The tacos are huge – especially for only $5.50 - which is the price for all lunchtime meals that are available Monday to Friday in the Main Hall. After paying you fill out a form that has a checklist of all the toppings available. The choices to you may have added to the basic taco (meat, lettuce and shell) are:

- Salsa - Olives  -Cheese (shredded) - Onions - Jalapenos - Guacamole -Tomatoes - Sour Cream - Soda ($ 0.50 extra) - Cookie - Brownie. There is also a line to write your name. Your order is then custom assembled using the checked off preference list. They call you when it is ready. Next time we will get one Taco and two plates so we can share. Ice water, cheese cubes and pimento olives were also available.

We ate outside on the patio next to the pool area. We couldn’t believe how many people were not eating their Taco Shell. Maybe they are extremely diet conscious? They are missing out on a great treat!

Check out the picture! Charlotte had a visitor – a Humming Bird! Look close! It's the blur to the right of Charlotte's shoulder.

After the meal we picked up a Doggie Bag from the kitchen to make it easier to take the leftovers back to the RV while riding our bikes.

We then immediately took the car to Wal-Mart. We went to the one on Apache Trail as the Signal Butte Wal-Mart, even though it is larger, doesn’t carry yard goods. Charlotte looked up the measurements for today’s project when she stopped in at the Sewing Room during her morning walk.

Today, with the top off, the ride in the Del Sol was quite warm. We thoroughly enjoyed it!

On returning to the RV I put the sewing machine in the car. Charlotte drove to the Activity Center and I followed on my bike. I carried the sewing machine to the room, put the top on the car, locked it then returned to the RV on my bike to do a few odds and ends.

To my surprise Charlotte arrived around 3:30 p.m. – on foot. She couldn’t start the car! Every once in a while the steering wheel lock gets in a position that it makes the ignition key difficult to turn. A little extra strength is required to twist and hold the steering wheel while turning the key. I walked up to the center (about 10 minutes away) and drove the car back.

Charlotte was tired, as was I. She had a nap before supper. I think I would have napped too if I had lain down.

After supper it was another quiet TV evening in the RV.