Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Wed - Jan 4/12

Still getting up around 7 a.m.

Charlotte went for a morning walk to the library to exchange books. There are probably over a thousand paperbacks available for exchange. Folks donate/exchange their paperbacks. Others just borrow. Charlotte has already finsihed three VC Andrews since Monday.

She stopped at the Stained Glass Room and talked with a few folks she recognized from last year's classes. She then stopped in next door at the Quilting Room and signed up for a few different project classes.

Today I returned the Flat Screen HDTV to the outside compartment. Facing north will make it easier to watch the TV outside in the afternoon and early evening as the sun will not be shining directly on the screen. It took quite a bit longer than usual. The cable had lost its connector. I also discovered the poor TV reception was not only based on the antenna direction - the secondary amplifier had failed.

A quick trip to Radio Shack in A.J. (Apache Junction, AZ) and the problem was solved. I quick re-scan and I was showing almost 80 channels on the antenna. The change to digital allows each channel to have extra programs. Some have five or six. An example: Channel 3-1, 3-2, 3-3 - each with different programming.

Another digital advantage is that many of the stations show an EPG (Elecronic Program Schedule) displaying the upcoming programs over the next few hours.

The weather here, since we arrived, has been better "convertible" weather than we enjoyed all summer back home. The top will be off on the Del Sol at every opportunity. Winter here is my summer.

We went to the Activity Center just before it closed at 4:30 p.m. We bought tickets for the steak dinner next week. These were popular last year and usually sold out early. The prices has increased from $10 to $12 dollars. Still a good deal!

We also picked up information on tickets for the Pheonix Coyotes (Hockey) and Suns (Basketball) games. They have RV Resort discounts for select games. The only problem is that all of the venues, including spring training games when they begin, are on the west side of Phoenix, AZ - a 40 to 50 mile drive from here.

We also may check out a few casino trips. They usually provide the transportation, free of charge, to and from the Casino.

There are also two upcoming Quilt Shows in Tucson and Phoenix. Some folks car pool to these events. We may or may not go. We have visited these shows on our own in the past.

Maybe tomorrow I will take the bikes off the rack. We almost have enough energy to go for a ride. It appears that the rear gates may remain open allowing us to ride in the back section that has several blocks of paved roads but no development, as yet. The highway has bike lanes in places; but is too busy for us.

Gradually, everything is getting settled in, a little each day.

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