Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tue - 28 Feb/17

We decided to relax today. The weather is okay; however it will be getting warmer. The next few days may be close to record highs. Charlotte worked late last night hand stitching the binding on her cat quilt. Her rest has been well earned. We won't be going to the Craft Room or The Lodge today.

I made a huge pot of spaghetti meat sauce so we won't have to do much cooking for lunch for the next few days. It was yummy!

Charlotte relaxed doing craft "Odds and Ends" today.

Only a few more stitches to complete the Cat Quilt. It will look great in the Sewing Room at home.

I continued refining my FileDrawer Program. it now incorporates several of my other programs including those that list our collections such as Audible Audio Books, Movies, Boyd's Bears, Recipes and my Sudoku Program.

Just a TV Evening. Trump is on for an hour and a half. We will probably TV surf - I don't know if I can take that much "Fake News".

We will try to stay awake for The Late Show - Stephen Colbert should be hilarious after an hour and a half of material from Trump and his minions.

We should be able to sleep well if we can just stop laughing.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Mon - 27 Feb/17

A rather relaxed day today to make up for a busy weekend. It will be warmer (mid-80's F) and more humid with a 20% chance of rain (not here - mainly along the Atlantic coast).

I drove Charlotte to the Office before 9 a.m. to pick up the key for the Craft Room cupboard so she could access the ironing board and iron. Jean, a fellow crafter, usually does this; however on Monday mornings she is at the Yoga session.

The Yoga Class doesn't want anyone in The Lodge while they are doing their contortions so I set up the computer (to use the internet) in the Craft Room today.

Around noon Charlotte returned the key to the office. There she picked up the light cord (just arrived by UPS) for the "LuvALamp" she completed a few days ago. The "How to Install" session will be tomorrow morning so we crossed the road to pick up a 60 watt  "LED" lightbulb from the ACE Hardware store. Incandescent bulbs are too hot for safe use in the lamp.

We just "took it easy" in the motorhome for the rest of the day.

Kat (daughter) not the cat (Max  or Jesse -grin) called from home (today is her day off) to report that all is well. The only news was that a drug store will be going in to where Stokefire (a craft and gift store) was recently located. It will be a Pharmasave store so we are hoping our present pharmacist (that's his brand) is opening a second store. This will save us the trip to Ingleside for our meds; otherwise we will still be driving there for our prescriptions.

I made cheese wrapped hot dogs for supper while we watched the evening news.

Charlotte. among other things, had cut strips for completing the binding on her "Cat Quilt" this morning. Tonight she worked on adding this to the quilt in the motorhome while listening/watching TV.

As usual, just a regular TV evening to wrap up a restful day.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Sun - 26 Feb/17

Another lovely weather day in store for today.

While watching CBS Sunday Morning (our usual TV on Sunday) I began frying bacon for our breakfast omelet. Then I added the ingredients and we enjoyed it while watching the program.

Then we were off on a "Road Trip"!

I planned out a route that kept us on the "Back Roads" to the Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings State Park in Cross Creek, FL. Her old Florida homestead and orange grove is a walk back in time to 1930s, displaying farm life as it was when Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings lived and worked in the tiny community of Cross Creek.

Her "Cracker" style home and farm, where she wrote her Pulitzer prize-winning novel "The Yearling" and other wonderful works of fiction, has been restored and is preserved as it was when she lived here. Her 1942 memoir "Cross Creek" chronicled the idiosyncrasies of her "Cracker" neighbours whose white southern "Frontier Mentality" and close connection to the natural world has recently sparked scholarly interest.

This year, 2017, marks the 75th anniversary of the publication of two of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings most memorable books: "Cross Creek" and "Cross Creek Cookery". Charlotte purchased the "Cross Creek Cookery" which is more than a just regional cookbook; it is a collection of stories about the recipes with anecdotes and thoughts that make it a "Novel Novel" (grin)

The State Park, the Friends of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Farm group, and the surrounding communities will be celebrating Rawlings and these two books throughout the year with talks, cooking, theatre and art exhibits. Today we enjoyed a small part of this celebration as several "Friends" (in period attire) were in attendance today. They actively aiding in "Informing" visitors on the history of the estate. This also included a glimpse into the historical significance and finer points of creating the biscuits of which we would partake after the tour.

We arrived a few minutes after the 1 p.m. tour began; however we were fortunate that the "Tenant's House" was open today for viewing.

The sturdy; but bare, domicile was typical of the area and era.

It was fun to see "Free Range" chickens roaming all over the property. There were more outside their coop than inside.

The 2 p.m. tour would start from the nearby barn. We only had to wait a short time before joining the group.

The tour started outside with an extremely well versed and humourous guide and a large interested collection of visitors.

The group size led to it being split in two once we arrived at the house.

The majority of the furnishings (90%) are original including this table that Marjorie wrote at in her porch.

This authenticity included the Pulitzer Prize for "The Yearling"!  (I expected a trophy of some sort).

If you want to find out why there are always roses in the toilet you'll have to take the tour (or google it). (grin).

At the end of the tour we enjoyed ample samples of several types of biscuits and jellies (all made from ingredients grown on the property) that correlate to the "Cross Creek Cookbook".

The biscuits, like the tour, made today's visit a real "Treat"!

On leaving our next destination was Micanopy, FL about 10 miles away. The town (Pop. 600) was named for Seminole Chief Micanopy. The historic district is on the National Register of Historic Places. It is affectionately known as "The Town That Time Forgot". It was the first "Town" constructed in "Florida Territory" (circa 1821) ) after Florida was ceded from Spain (to the USA). . Today it is considered a "Mecca for Antiques" which is rare in Florida as most "new" residents sold or left everything where they lived when they moved south.

Charlotte's only purchase was two "Cat Pics" to add to her card collection.

We then followed the route (in reverse) that we took today and headed back to the motorhome. It was still warm with clear blue skies, sunshine and little traffic making it an enjoyable ride.

Once we entered Marion County we were getting closer to the motorhome and even closer to suppertime. I decided to "Follow My Nose" and turned onto CR-464C which headed SW. That took us right to Ocklawaha, FL and "Gator Joe's" in time for supper.

The place was packed. Folks came in by Seaplane, Powerboats, Pontoon Boats, Wave Runners and Kayaks.

The beach on both sides of the deck was also packed.

We both decided on our usual meal - the "Fish Basket".

We watched the last few laps of the Daytona 500 before departing for the motorhome. Having been there for a race a few years ago my thoughts went back to how "Crazy" it was leaving after a race (and I shuddered). It was an exciting experience; but once was enough! The crowd and ensuing chaos is indescribable.

The "Low Fuel" light came on a few miles after leaving Gator Joe's. I figured I could make it back to the closest gas station to OMS that was on our route (at Altoona, FL). Thankfully I was right. Hey! That's 400 miles on 9.6 gallons = 41.7 mpg. The Del Sol is still running fine after 500,000 km. Wow! (It's a Honda). Just breaking in - Eh!

A few minutes after filling up we were  back at the motorhome. It was ust TV until bedtime.

That wrapped up a really interesting day.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Sat - 25 Feb/17

Really a dull beginning to the day. Not raining - just clouds.

Charlotte worked on her "Chicken Scratch" (aka Amish Embroidery/Snowflake Embroidery/Depression Lace/Gingham Lace - to name a few) kit she purchased at the Quilt Show yesterday. Amish Embroidery is believed to have originated in the U.S. in the 1930's. It was a way of creating a lace like appearance on cheap gingham using a combination of 3 basic stitches: Running Stitch, Cross Stitch and Double Cross Stitch. Hence the name "Depression Lace".

Now that the rain has passed on I resumed arranging the outside storage compartments and finally moved the items to them from the kitchen area where they were for the past few days..

I may be able to squeeze in a few more items; but the compartments are now pretty well full.

The weather completely cleared in the early afternoon so we decided to enjoy it by going out for an early supper. We enjoyed the clear blue skies and sunshine as we drove to Eaton Beach (again) with the top off and the windows down.

The weather was much better than our last visit. Both the parking lots and the beach were packed.

Today our eatery choice was downstairs (The Steam Shack).

Charlotte ordered "Jonah Crab Claws " (1 Full Pound - Steaming Hot). I decided on the Muffalatta: a New Orleans Classic of Ham/Capicola/Salami/Mortadella/Smoked Mozzarela/Olive Salad on Ciabatta Bread.

I'm going to go "out on a limb" and say Charlotte enjoyed her selection!(grin).

By the time we left (a few minutes before 5 pm) it was really getting crowded. Shuttles were bringing in the customers from the overflow parking lot quarter mile down the road. Hey! It wasn't "5 O'clock Somewhere" - It was 5 O'clock Here! (another grin).

We enjoyed the return trip back to the motorhome; however all that sunshine took it's toll. Charlotte had a well deserved "Nap" (after a busy week).

We decided to pass tonight on the Country Dance w/Johnny Ray at 7 p.m. in the Rec Hall. A few dozen folks were already walking by the motorhome at 6:15. They were just following Bill's Rules #23: At an RV Park Event; being there a half hour early means you are already 15 minutes late.

It will just be a "Channel Surfing" evening.

The clear sky and incoming "Cold Front" will drop the temps tonight to the mid-40's F. It will only get up to the low 70's tomorrow. (That's what they call a "Cold Spell" down here - grin).

TTFN (Ta-Ta For Now).

Friday, February 24, 2017

Fri - 24 Feb/17

A pretty decent day today with sunshine poking through spotty clouds and temps around 80 F.

Today the main item on the agenda was the Mount Dora Quilters Guild Show that is being held at Lake Receptions on 19A in Mount Dora, FL. This is less than 10 miles from OMS. We attended last year and once again it was crowded.

I took Charlotte before 11 a.m. and dropped her off at the entrance. Then I (luckily) got one of the few remaining spots (handicapped) in the several parking areas.

The first part of the wait went fairly quickly. A few minutes after parking a car from Maryland pulled in next to me. The gentleman, like me, had dropped his wife off at the entrance and was now waiting. I had the pleasure of joining him in conversation. We were still solving the world's problems a half hour later when his wife called and he returned to the entrance to pick her up.

When I park and wait for Charlotte (anywhere/anytime) I often watch for a better parking spot and continually move closer to where she will exit. I only made one move today. It actually wasn't any closer; however, unlike the previous parking spot I could see her exit the show.

The show is quite large with many lovely quilts for Charlotte to admire. She also bought a few items and returned about 2 hours after her entrance with materials for a few projects.

Now it was time for lunch. I said; "I know where you want to eat. It's just around the corner." She replied; "What's around the corner?" When I responded; "Golden Corral" her enthusiastic response was; "That's where I wanted to go!"

It was only about a mile away. Soon we were parked, inside, seated and she was off picking up a plate and utensils (and then - food!).

A High School Basketball Team entered just after us dressed in their black and gold uniforms. This might have been the first time some of them ate at a Golden Corral. When I was in the washroom I overheard one say; "I've never seen so many old people in one place at the same time."

Actually, this is "Par for the Course" at most Golden Corrals in the south. Many seniors eat here - especially before 4 p.m. - because of the good prices, good food and good variety. This is how they stretch their retirement income and maintain good nutrition.

After lunch we drove a mile or so down US-441 to Hobby Lobby. With the new material purchases made at the Quilt Show additional supplies for projects were now required.

On exit from a successful shopping mission we then headed back to the motorhome. Today I decided to try a different route. We usually turn left at this corner onto US-441 then turn onto SR-19 a short distance down the road. Then we follow SR-19 all the way back to the RV Resort. Today I went straight, turned left onto Old Mount Dora Road then right onto Grove St. This was a pleasant (slower; but little traffic) respite from the "Hustle and Bustle" on the 6 lane US-441 and the 4 lanes of SR-19 that we usually take for our return to the RV Resort.

Grove St. then merged with Bay St. (SR-19) which is our usual route. We then followed it back towards OMS with a stop at (our usual) Publix for milk, Charlotte's weekly magazine (Woman's World) and a redo on lottery tickets. (No luck this week).

Back at the motorhome, with temps now in the mid-80's F, we turned on the air and relaxed watching TV. (I also started today's blog.)

That's it for today's blog.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Thu - 23 Feb/17

As predicted today was dull for the most part with less rain than yesterday.

The weather will be clearing and the temps going up for the weekend.

We did our usual Craft Day thing making it there before the rain which continued off and on since yesterday.

When Charlotte finished she got a little wet coming to The Lodge to let me know. In the few minutes it took to shut down the computer and leave the sun was out. That's the way the weather pattern continued throughout the day.

Charlotte worked on a few projects including another "Duffle Bag."

No plans to go anywhere today because of the weather. Charlotte went back to the Craft Room for the afternoon to continue working on a few projects.

I spent the afternoon searching the internet. During the noon hour the printer coughed up an error message. "The printer's ink pads are at the end of their service life. - Contact Epson Support." and with that the printer stopped printing in the middle of a print job.

When I contacted Epson the "Blah-Blah-Blah" from the website advised that buying a new printer is economically more advisable than trying to get the printer repaired. They indicated that replacement part is quite expensive and when added to the labour cost it would become more costly than a new printer.


The printer was working perfectly. The warning is a "Timed Function" designed to shut down the printer after a certain number of printouts. This is just a "Money Grab"!

They do offer a downloadable "Utility" that will erase the message (once) and thus allow for a limited number of printouts (They are so generous!).

The problem is that this "Small-in-One" printer has all the features anyone could want in a size compact enough to fit in the motorhome. It can copy/scan/fax/ 2-sided documents from it's automatic 30 page document feeder using it's 3.5 inch colour touchscreen (no computer required). It can also print on CD's and DVD's. It has an auto-extend output tray that auto selects from 2 storage trays. It wirelessly connects to iPads, iPhones, tablets and smartphones. It's 5 cartridge ink system allows replacement of individual ink cartridges. (No more throwing out a multi-ink cartridge when one colour runs out of ink) It prints hi-res smudge, scratch and water proof pictures that are fade resistant for up to 200 years. It can reduce images to 25% or enlarge to 400% as well as scan to a memory card, flash drive, computer or network. It can scan to a PDF and make 2-sided copies in various orientations.

They should not be able to shut it down after a specific number of printouts because the "Ink Pads" might be (but, probably not) at the end of their "Service Life".

A Printer Ink Maintenance Box basically catches and store ink overflow from the printhead. They used to make these "Maintenance Boxes" available to the public; but I can't find any for this printer anywhere on the internet or listed on the Epson site.

I hope the reset will allow enough printouts to last until I get home. Then I will take it apart and open up the "Maintenance Box" and replace the pads with anything I can find that is comparative (I'm thinking aquarium Bio-Filter Media, Auto Air Filter replaceable media or simple household sponge material will do the job).

I'm also sure that "Hacked" software to reset the counter is available on the internet.

Tomorrow I will check at an electronic shop (with a tech) to see if there is a fix this situation. If I was a resident American this would be a "Class Action Lawsuit" because they are arbitrarily denying me the use of my printer. It hasn't broken down - they stopped it from functioning.

OK! Rant over - just TV for the rest of the evening.

Wed - 22 Feb/17

We made it to the Craft Room (Charlotte) and The Lodge (Moi) before the rain (9 a.m.).

It rained for a bit while we were at our respective locations.

It rained for a bit while we were at our respective locations. It had let up by the time Charlotte arrived at The Lodge to let me know she was done.

Thankfully we made it to the car and back to the RV without getting wet.

It was dull, dreary and cool. We decided the weather needed soup (Habitant Vegetable) for lunch.

Then the heavy rains arrived. It poured heavily for the next 3  hours.

Charlotte worked on her Mini-Duffle Bags while I continued on designing my FileDrawer computer program.

I am almost finished with the "Audible" (Audio Books) portion so I began working on "Recipes" today.

Charlotte did the usual great job completing four more "Mini-Duffle Bags".

Just a "Popcorn and TV" evening while the "Off and "On" rainfall continued. Rainfall locally was between 1.5" and 2" which is a record for this date. It will help as Florida is a little low on rainfall so far this year.

More rain in store for tomorrow; however only about half of today's total is expected.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Tue - 21 Feb/17

Although it didn't rain it was mostly cloudy which moderated the temps keeping it from the 80's F.

This morning Charlotte added "Clothespins" to finish her "Clothesline Quilt" wall hanging. Lousy Picture - Great Wall Hanging!

Then she was off to the Craft Room for a "LuvALamp" session - returning in about an hour and a half with the finished product. The kits did not arrive with the wiring for the light (as in the past); but they have been ordered.

I just didn't feel like working on sorting out the outside compartments today. I didn't want to have everything out on the ground in case of a shower. Movement of the "Stuff" will be delayed - maybe in a few days? It depends on how much it rains. Random heavy downpours are predicted.

I just continued working on my computer for the rest of the morning while Charlotte was at Crafts. I keep "Fine Tuning" my "FileDrawer" datatbase program design.

Lunch was Spanish Rice that I made for yesterday's noon meal. We finished it off today.

In the early afternoon we headed out (top off on the Del Sol) to the closest Post Office. We were looking for a specially requested set of stamps for friends back home.

We started "Small" at the Altoona, FL Post Office (no luck) and worked our way up to larger and larger facilities. Ditto for Umatilla. Same result for Tavares and Mount Dora. Apparently, it was just released last week. Considering the speed of P.O. deliveries, who knows when (and if) it will become available (grin)?

While in Mount Dora we made a stop at the Walmart for more "Fat Quarters", Charlotte still wants to make a few more of the "Mini-Duffle/Cosmetic" bags. (They are really neat!)

Tonight it will be "Snacks" (Pepperoni/Cheeses/Pickles on a Sesame Seed (Ooops - wrong jingle - grin) Ritz Cracker while watching (mostly NCIS) TV this evening.