Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wednesday - 24 Feb/16

I called Wally (Wally's Garage) first thing this morning to make an appointment to get the Del Sol fixed up. Wally is always so busy (it comes with giving good service). I was able to get an appointment in a week (next Wednesday at 8:30 a,m,). Until then I will use my "Heater/Rad" to keep the car "Cool" (Heater on full blast and all the windows down). I try to time the traffic lights so that I can keep the car moving. The air moving through the radiator keeps the Del Sol at the proper operating temperature. Being stopped for more than a few minutes without a functioning rad fan (electric) causes the temperature gauge to rise towards the danger level even with the heater on full blast.

Charlotte unpacked items we brought from home this morning while I spent set up the TV's. Same for the computers, emails, updates, etc. etc.

A little after 1 p.m. I dropped Charlotte off at the Rec Hall to check the craft material list for tomorrow's session.

I went to the office to pay for our site and get our new P.O. Box Key since we are at a new site (#81 on St. Lawrence). As usual, the help was friendly and fast. Linda helped us reserve this site for next year (Jan/Feb/Mar).

Our New Mailing Address:

1000 N Central Ave
Site #81 St. Lawrence
Umatilla, FL 32784

While at the office we asked about purchasing "Canada Day" tickets for the event (tomorrow). They informed us that it was organized by Howard Simpkin and gave us his site number so that we could check on availability. The Simpkin's were away. We left a note with our phone number. We do hope we can purchase tickets to attend "Canada Day".

We then headed off for dinner.

Ooops! Detour: We stopped at "Sew What" in Umatilla, FL. We promised to bring Norlina a "Loonie" and "Twoonie" (Canadian $1 and $2 coins). She was so helpful when Charlotte used the store's Long Arm Quilting Machine to finish a two quilts.

While there Charlotte picked up material required for the upcoming craft session (tomorrow).

Once again, we were off to lunch.

Ooops again! Detour #2: A quick stop at JoAnn Fabrics for matching and contrasting thread for tomorrow's craft project. Charlotte also found some black yarn (to knit me a pair of socks). Whoopee!

Now we were really off to have lunch! (again). Charlotte's choice today: Ichiban (Oriental Buffet) in Leesburg, FL. Charlotte likes the Sushi and raw ginger! I try a little bit of almost everything starting with the "Hot and Sour" soup.

After lunch we stopped at our usual Publix (Eustis, FL) to restock our pantry. We also bought a Powerball ticket. As they say... "You Never Know?" (Who couldn't use a few hundred million dollars?)

While there a voicemail message notice appeared on my phone. We rarely get an incoming phone call on our Roam Mobility service. Most incoming calls go directly to voicemail which appear sometime after the fact. We don't even hear it ring. Outgoing calls are no problem.

The call was from Howard Simpkin. He was responding to the note we had left at his RV earlier in the afternoon. We were "In Luck"! A couple had to cancel and we were able to buy their tickets to the "Canada Day" event in the Rec Hall (Tomorrow).

We went directly to Howard's site and were able to confirm our reservations for tomorrow. The "Canada Day" function is catered and requires tickets be purchased in advance. We appreciated Howard's effort to contact us. (Everyone also appreciates the organizational effort required for this event - it is always a lot of fun.)

We then returned to the motorhome and unpacked the groceries.

We started our TV evening with "Final Jeopardy". Then I spent more than 3 hours trying to get on the internet to do today's blog. I was able to type the info; however I was not able to upload pictures. It would just stall out! Suddenly, after 11 p.m. it began to function (for all of 5 minutes). I managed to load all the pictures except one. A half hour of changing Wi-Fi towers finally allowed me to finish uploading the last picture. Another twenty minutes was required to Save and Publish the blog.

Time for bed - Charlotte's had an hour and a half head start.

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