Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thursday - 25 Feb/16

Cold front came in bringing the temps down to the mid-60's F. It was also quite windy. The good news is that it will be sunny for the next week and it will slowly warm up to high 70's F.

Bonus: Charlotte was able to wear the shawl Diane made for her this morning with the cool weather.

She was up and off to crafts for 9 a.m.

I really like our new site. We are on the "main drag" (St. Lawrence). With the Black Privacy Screens on the front windows we get to see all the action as folks are continually walking, jogging, bicycling, golf carting and driving by. They don't even know we are here. We can also get a distant view of the entrance road as well. We probably see 75% of the residents at some time or other as they pass.

We are at the end of Wabash so the view is open right down that street.

From the living area windows we get to check out the main street looking towards the craft hall and "Rally Area".

We get to view almost all the motorhomes, 5th Wheels and trailers as they go by on their way in or out of the park.

This is part of the park is a "No Dogs" section. That means dogs cannot even walk by in this area. No paws are allowed on the ground. Dog size must also be small in the area of the park in which they are allowed. We do get to see them occasionally as they go by in a bicycle basket or on a golf cart seat.

YAHOO!!! I'm grinning from ear-to-ear! I just discovered how to use my iPhone as a Wi-Fi Hotspot. This allows me to use my phone internet service data (unlimited) on my laptops.  No more Wi-Fi problems or delays. This is GREAT!!!

I was just trying to think of what to make for dinner today for when Charlotte returns from crafts. BRAIN DEAD! I just realized this is "Canada Day" in the Rec Hall from 12:30 - 3 p.m. and it is catered!

YAHOO!!! I just had to do that again. I am so happy I now have Wi-Fi that works. It took 3 hours last night to get on to do the blog. It took me 10 seconds today to do the same amount of picture uploads. Now it is almost instant. No more "Did Not Save" or "You Are Not Connected"  Messages.

Charlotte returned from crafts with a pair of Napkins. The semi-circle is folded into the napkin shape. Neat!

We left shortly after and walked to the Rec Hall for the Canada Day festivities. There were over 70 attendees mostly from Ontario. New Brunswick and Saskatchewan were also represented. There were some Canadians in the park that did not attend making the park population between 20-25% from Canada.

Instead of singing "O Canada" the event started with all rising and accompanying a "Highway of Heroes" video to the tune (subscripted) of Lee Greenwood's "God Bless You Canada". A few tears were shed.

When a member of our Canadian Armed Forces falls, his or her final journey is over a leg of Ontario’s Macdonald-Cartier Freeway, better known as Highway 401. This is the main transportation corridor linking Windsor with Quebec City. It crosses through some of the most densely populated areas in Canada. In 2007, a 170 kilometre portion of the highway stretching from CFB Trenton to the Don Valley Parkway (and later Keele Street) in Toronto was designated the "Highway of Heroes", reflecting its use as the route for funeral convoys carrying fallen Canadian Forces service men and women from CFB Trenton to the coroner’s office in Toronto. This designation honours those men and women who have made such a vital contribution to our way of life, and offers a wonderful opportunity to tell the story of Canadian Veterans.

The catered lunch serving went smoothly. The mashed potatoes and gravy were beyond excellent. It reminded me of a Diner we stopped at on Long Island, NY years ago. Several people came in and ordered Mashed w/Gravy to go. This was as good. The dessert (cupcakes) were killer good as well.

After the meal the drawings (must have been about 30) for door prizes took about a half hour.  The 50/50 draw proceeds will be "Seed Money" for next year's "Canada Day".

At crafts this morning Charlotte heard that JoAnn Fabrics was having a "Fat Quarters" sale (50% off). We headed there after Canada Day and (Surprise, Surprise) we met other park crafters buying Fat Quarters. Charlotte bought several as well as the remaining "Route 66" fabric that they had in stock (just in case).

My mission was to go to Harbor Freight to get a folding aluminum step stool. Levelling the RV on the cement pad on our new lot raised the last step too high off the ground to be "natural".

A quick stop on the way back to OMS at Publix for spaghetti and sauce ingredients and we still made it back in time for Jeopardy!

Charlotte made hot dogs for supper. I like "natural casing" style "dogs" w/Sub (Sandwich) buns. The "Sub" buns are tastier, a better fit for the "longer" dogs and cheaper as well.

A relaxing TV evening rounded out a busy day!

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