Thursday, February 04, 2016

Thursday - 4 Feb/16

The weather patterns have slowed and the rain won't make it this far south as soon as predicted. It will still get into the 80's F again today.

Charlotte was off to crafts for 9 a.m. Today's crafts was small change purses.

She made them using the same material she used for the tablets yesterday. This makes a cute match.

I spent the morning trying to get on the internet without any luck. I also did a little cleaning and organizing around the RV then prepared lunch for Charlotte's arrival home at noon.

With the rain coming we decided to R & R in the RV today. The first movie up was "The Notebook" starring Ryan Gosling, a former student at Gladstone Public School where I taught for a bit. (Ryan is quite proud of living in Cornwall, ON - this can be found on-line). Rachel McAdams, another Canadian, was his co-star). They actually had a relationship for a period of time, which according to sources, was something like the film - tumultuous.

The expected rain didn't arrive at noon as originally projected. Nor at 1 p.m. - or 2 p.m. We still had sun peeking through at 3 p.m. It was just about then that Charlotte said, "Where's the rain they promised?" TV said this forecast would be tricky due to the cold front from the North pushing the warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico on a 45 degree angle across Florida. Any long range (or short range for that matter) forecasts were out of the question.

So, we continued on watching movies. Charlotte knitted socks and I kept trying to get on the internet. I was finally able to get on long enough to do the blog.

The rain finally arrived at 4 p.m. (3:57to be exact). It was heavy as predicted.

We did the usual TV evening thing. The last hour we watched in bed with the TV on timer for the news. This is our usual sleeping medicine. (grin)

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