Friday, February 19, 2016

Friday - 19 Feb/16

We really know how to pick 'em. We got home to -40 Below Temps and the most snow EVER in a 24 hour period (over 50 cm).

It is not like we had a choice. We had to be home at least 24 hours in our home province for our "Out-of-Country" Medical Insurance to re-new or we would have been out of coverage. Our 95 days was almost up. After a 24 hours stay it recycles and it is good again for 95 days in a row. It is cheaper to return home than pay thousands to extend it the same length of time.

Nothing could be done until Tuesday of the next week at the earliest. Monday was "Family Day" in Ontario and all stores, etc. were closed. During the week I had to do banking and place an order for the medicine needed for the months we will be south again.

We have no home phone, cell phone, TV or internet while at home as all is shut off until we return in May. I went to Liz's to use their Wi-Fi and Kat has lent me her cell phone until we leave. Thankfully our kids are close (in all ways).

My cousin's wife, Diane, graciously came and helped Charlotte solve a knitting problem (a 5 needle sock pattern). Charlotte was thrilled that Diane got her on the right path.

We also had a chance to go out for supper at the Cornwall Legion with our good friends Helene and Ron, who we also missed dearly while away.

Another day for banking and returning to pick up our medicine and soon a week had past.

Now it is a matter of checking the weather to make a safe trip back to Florida.

We are not sure if there will be a spot at the park when we return and take the motorhome out of storage. Otherwise, we will be on the road to somewhere;

I will try to start up the blog when we return and have Wi-Fi.

Until then....

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