Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Monday - 1 Feb/16

It is warming up today! Our neighbour was out fixing his steps this morning.

It surprised me when Charlotte headed to crafts at 12:30. She usually leaves for a 1 p.m. start.

While Charlotte was at crafts I dumped the sewage holding tank and put a few more items into storage. Then it was on to planning a "Small" project which would place a few adjustable shelves into a small open storage space.

Everything was ready to proceed by the time Charlotte returned from crafts with her "Bucket Footstool". The top is finished; however, she still has to complete the side lining. On her return I was informed that, despite leaving earlier than usual, she was the last to arrive. Bill's RV Park Rule #23: If you are 15 minutes early you are already a half hour late!

Charlotte prepared a late lunch (or an early supper) which we ate amidst the construction chaos. The temp was now up to 80 F and it was quite humid. It was time to close all the windows, shut the roof vents and start up both A/C units to cool everything down. Charlotte, having worked really hard for a few hours at crafts, took the opportunity to have a well deserved nap.

While Charlotte was nodding off I stealthily hauled my new 12" Double-Bevel Sliding Compound Miter Saw out to the picnic table and made a few cuts without even waking her. The saw cut really well with it's 96 tooth carbide tipped blade. Soon the new shelves were in place. Another job completed!

When Sleeping Beauty (Charlotte) awoke we headed to Mt. Dora just as the sun was setting. At Eustis Charlotte suggest we divert ( a half block) to the Eustis Lake (Board) Walk that ran along the Lake Eustis shoreline.

There was a good turnout for the sunset viewing which was fantastic. It reminded us of the nightly "Sunset Celebration" in Key West, FL where "See you at Sunset" has a special significance. There it's an invitation to partake in a spontaneous celebration as jugglers, tourists, clowns, fishermen, psychics, island musicians, artists, food vendors, and friends gather each night on the Mallory Pier to celebrate the close of another day in Paradise. Tonight's sunset wasn't as flamboyant; but just as pretty.

We then continued on our "Two for One" mission. From the same parking lot spot Charlotte would go "Right" right into Hobby Lobby (right - grin) for some needed craft items while I would go "Left" to Radio Shack for a new "Lightning Cable" (Apple's USB connector) for my iPhone. The stores are virtually side-by-side in the same strip mall.

The highly efficient Radio Shack staff greeted me upon entry and had me all set up with what I requested, as Elvis would say, "TCB in a flash". (Taking Care of Business in a flash). This is the meaning of the symbol placed on the tail of his private plane, the "Lisa Marie".

I had my "Lighting Cable" lightning fast - notice a theme here? (grin).

The staff astutely noticed my area code was Canadian. Since they "TCBed in a flash" we had time to converse before Charlotte completed her shopping next door at Hobby Lobby. Discussion topics included the differences between Canadian and American Football (not soccer). CFL vs NFL!


Football was first introduced to North America by the British Army garrisoned in Montreal, QC. They played a series of games with McGill University. In 1874, Canada's McGill University played the new game derived from rugby football in a home-and-home series with Harvard University in Boston, MA.

The Canadians arrived several days early and set up practices. The Americans were surprised to see them kick, chase and run the ball. Picking up and running with the ball was against the basic rules of the American game (at that time). They decided to play a game with half and half (Canadian/American) rules.

Because of their reduced field, the Harvard team opted for 11 players per side. To generate more offense, Harvard also increased the number of downs from three, as set by McGill, to four. Today there are even more changes.

                            Canadian (CFL)                  vs                  American (NFL)

Field             110 yds x 65 yds                      100 yds x  53 1/3 yds (160 ft)

End Zone               20 yards                                         10 yds

Players                      12                                                    11
    (note: number of players on offensive line is equal - extra Canadian player is in the backfield)
Hash Marks         24 yards                                     23 yds 1 ft 9 in
                                                                (making distance between equal to between goal posts )

Goal Posts      On Goal Line                                    On End Line

Downs                     3                                                       4

Football        Originally larger, the Canadian ball (since 1985) is slightly smaller.
                     Canadian balls have two 1 inch complete white stripes around the football 3 inches
                     from the largest diameter of the ball and NFL balls have no stripes at all.

Line of Scrimmage   1 yard                                          11 inches (length of football)

Snap           Between the legs of the center              Mostly done this way; but not required

Punt            No "Fair Catches". Offence                   Fair Catch (signal required)
                   must allow a 5 yard zone                       Their are several "touching" rules
                   until ball is touched by the                     also involved (that I won't get into)
                   receiving team. (a kicking team
                   player(s) who are behind the
                   punter at the time of the kick
                   are "on side" and do not have to
                   give 5 yards. They may actually
                   touch (recover) the ball first.

Motion      All backfield players may be in              only one backfield player is allowed in
                  motion in any direction before the          motion before the snap and they cannot
                  snap (except the quarterback) as             move towards the line of scrimmage.
                 long as they remain behind the line
                 of scrimmage.

Plays        20 seconds from "Time In" to start          40 seconds from the end of the previous
                 the play.                                                   play, 20 seconds from penalty or time out.

Timeout   One timeout per half                                3 timeouts per half

Warning   3 minute warning with "Stop Time"       2 minute warning. No stop time (only
                 during the last 3 minutes.                        timeouts).

Blocking  Receivers may only be contacted            Receivers may be contact within 5 yds of
                 within 1 yard of the line of                     scrimmage.

Fumble    Out of Bounds goes to the last                 Out of Bounds goes to the last team
                team that touches the ball. (It                   having clear possession.
                cannot be purposefully played
                out of bounds.)

Line        Touching the line is "Out of Bounds"      Ditto

Bounds   Receptions require only 1 foot be             Reception requires both feet to be
               "In Bounds".                                              "In Bounds".

Play Dead       Player can kneel if not touched        Knee down stops play (except place
                       by the opposition. (Unless a             kick holder)
                       player "takes a knee" to give up
                       points for strategic reasons.

Clock       Is stopped while ball is placed. Clock    Clock runs while ball is set depending
                starts when play is "Whistled In".           on results of previous play: penalty,
                                                                                 incomplete pass, etc.

Safety     2 points to the defensive team                  Ditto
               if offensive team is downed                     
               behind the goal line.
              The team awarded the 2 points                  The team giving up the safety must
              has several options:                                    kickoff from their 20 yard line.
              - scrimmage from their 35 yd line
              - kicking off from their 35 yd line
              - receiving a kickoff from the
                other teams 25 yd line

Point(s) After    Point kick from 25 yd line            Point kick from 15 yd  line
                          2 point attempt - 3 yd line             2 point attempt - 2 yard line

Kick       Any kick into the end zone is a                No single points of this type in U.S.
               live ball (except for successful
               field goal/after touchdown point)
               A ball through the end zone is a
              rouge (1 point). Not returning a
              kick out of the end zone (except
              on  the kickoff) also scores a point.

             Open field kicking is allowed                      All kicks must be from behind the line
             (including "Drop Kick" for a                      of scrimmage.
              field goal = 3 points).

During the October 29,  2010, Toronto Argonauts game against the Montreal Alouettes, four kicks occurred in one play: after a Montreal missed field goal, the Argonauts punted from the end zone to about the 20-yard line. The ball was caught and immediately punted back to the end zone by Montreal to attempt a  single (point), and finally the Argos punted but failed to kick it out of the end zone, where the Alouettes recovered it for a touchdown.

Overtime: I won't get into this because the rules are totally and extremely different.

Penalties: Ditto

If a team that is trailing in the CFL can begin to produce two-and-outs on defense and efficient scoring drives on offense, 14 and even 17 points can be successfully scored in the final three minutes. This comeback proclivity is so pronounced that the CFL uses it for marketing purposes: No Lead Is Safe.

Our last stop was a bit down the road at Chili's for a late night dip. Fattening, not the "skinny" kind. (grin).

Scorpion and NCIS LA on TV to end the evening. That's it for tonight.

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