Saturday, February 06, 2016

Saturday - 6 Feb/16

Thankfully, the Wi-Fi was unusually good this morning so I completed yesterday's blog fairly quickly this morning.

Charlotte made yummy walnut pancakes for breakfast this morning. We gobbled them down as we watched CBS's "The Henry Ford's Innovation Nation" on TV (as usual). We are trying to use all fridge/freezer items up as we will be returning home for a short stay in the next week or two. We have to return home (province) for 24 hours so that our Out-of-Country Health Insurance recycles (another 95 days). This is cheaper than paying thousands for an extension beyond the 95 days.

We are delaying our trip to the annual Mt. Dora Art Show until it warms up a little. It will be in the 50's F until later this morning. The rain is supposed to arrive about 4 p.m. Lucky if we get out of the 50's F today (or for the rest of the week).

We stopped at Hobby Lobby on the way in to the art show. Charlotte needed another set of knitting needles for the socks she is currently working on. This was quickly done and we crossed the street to Walmart to pick up a sympathy card.

Surprisingly, the rain drops started as we were leaving Walmart. It was very light so decided to continue on to the Mt. Dora Art Show. Everyone close to the show's downtown streets (business, residences, etc.) charges $5 for parking. We parked at our usual spot getting the last available spot. We always use this location, a bank's parking lot, where the proceeds go to a local youth group. The  group youth direct the parking. The first booths are right across the road.

Following our usual pattern Charlotte picked up a basket at the usual booth in the usual location. Notice a pattern here. Are we creatures of habit, or what? (grin).

Despite the rain the streets were totally crowded. The expectations for 300,000 attendees this weekend might fall a bit short due to the rain.

The old Steam Train was running at capacity today. It runs from Mt. Dora to Tavares. We have taken this train previously and it is a neat ride.

The rain continued to increase in intensity so we put up our hoods and continued to press on. Charlotte found a wind decoration that we thought would be nice for the porch at home. The wind pressing on the copper triangle causes the spiralled copper to spin which makes the two suspended marbles to appear to be moving in the spiral. A neat illusion.

We made another purchase of of items that can be combined to make a neat, do-it-yourself necklace. We also checked our usual local stores that we stop at when in downtown Mt. Dora. Charlotte came close when checking out some Boyds Bearstones; however she had some and was not interested in the others. When purchasing Bearstones for her collection they choices have to have a personal connect (like an event).

Despite the rain we managed to view all of the booths. The rain kept increasing in intensity and started coming down fairly heavily as we reached the car. We decided to go back to the motorhome rather than go out for supper.

We still had items to use up from the refrigerator. Charlotte made snacks to eat while watching Jeopardy. This finished up the pickles, cheese and pepperoni that we needed to use before heading back home.

No dance tonight (how unusual) in the Rec Hall. The rainy weather means it will just be another TV evening in the RV.

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