Saturday, February 06, 2016

Friday - 5 Feb/16

Apologies: It was well after midnight when we arrived back at the motorhome. I didn't feel like having to spend an additional few hours fighting with the Wi-Fi to do today's blog so we went straight to bed and I did this on Saturday morning.

Wow! A drop of over 40 F from yesterday afternoon. The rain was blown out by a cold front which really dropped the temp. It will be mostly below 60 F for daytime highs for the next week. This is 15 degrees below the average. Bonus: Sunshine.

The car is usually covered to keep the falling oak leaves from clogging the ventilation fan. Today is is to keep it warm. (grin)

Charlotte finished the other 2 purses that match the tablets. They are really neat! She also continued knitting socks while I tried to get on the internet (without much success). Apparently the Wi-Fi works properly for new systems that use 5.0 mhz; however they cannot figure out why it has problems with the 2.5mhz older computer Wi-Fi (or so the park says ComCast says). It either works slowly or not at all which is a great source of frustration for many at the park..

Once again we are in need of doing the laundry. We enjoy doing it so much (right!) we always wait until the bitter end. Our strategy is to wait until noon in the hope that most other folks will be eating dinner making more washers available. We usually use at least 3 at the same time.

This is also when we usually do a complete garbage run emptying all the receptacles in the RV.

At the laundry I met a former Ingleside resident who was showing a friend and his wife around the RV Resort. In conversion with his friend who I had not met before today we both discovered that he was a long time neighbour of my Uncle. Amazingly we "connected several other dots" and both agreed "it really is a small world."

Charlotte arrived to help finish the laundry and once again we are good for a few weeks of clean clothes before having to do it again. We put the laundry away, Charlotte had time to make a pillowcase (Duck Dynasty) today as well. It was grilled cheese sandwiches for a late lunch before we prepared to leave for tonight's entertainment.

This evening's event wasn't in the park; but at the Orange Blossom Opry in Wiersdale, FL about a half hour drive from here.  The first hour was filled with a variety of classic tunes excellently executed by the Opry's own house band. They are always enjoyable.

Tonight's main attraction was "BritBeat", a multimedia concert journey through the history of  Beatles music. On screen video montages of 'Beatles Moments' filled the screens on each side throughout the show. It keep everything flowing smoothly even through the the time needed to make full costume changes required to accurately depict each era.

The show began with the early 'Ed Sullivan Show' songs that included 'She Loves You', 'Twist and Shout' and 'I Want To Hold Your Hand'.

The show continued with their "Movie"era with 'A Hard Day's Night' and 'Help!' and associated songs.  BritBeat captured not only the attire of the era; but the authentic mannerisms and memorable traits of John, Paul, George and Ringo as they appeared on stage!

Next, we took a 'Magical Mystery Tour' to Pepperland as BritBeat recreated the psychedelic era of The Beatles. The musical and visual detail 'Magically' took us back into a colourful journey with song selections from 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band', 'Yellow Submarine' and 'Magical Mystery Tour'. The costumes were as authentic as possible right down to Paul's (left sleeve) 'Magical Mystery Tour'  outfit with an O.P.P. uniform patch (which stands for Ontario Provincial Police - which was a gift). This cause quite a stir originally causing many to think Paul was actually dead.  It was confused by many to be O.P.D. (Officially Pronounced Dead) which is the British equivalent of D.O.A. (Dead On Arrival) here.

Before the journey was through we 'Got Back' with 'Get Back' and a spectacular musical finale of the later years of The Beatles 'White Album', 'Let It Be' and 'Abbey Road' with an emotional renditions of song 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps'.

The costumes and Beatlesque mannerisms and humour made it a thoroughly enjoyable evening as attested to by the audiences many standing O's (ovations). It was a solid 2 hours of memories and fun.

We arrived at 7 p.m. for the 7:30 show. The time flew by quickly (yes, we were having fun)  and we could hardly believe it was almost 10:30 p.m. when we departed the Opry.

We take the scenic drive to the show but the longer way home when it is dark. There is not too much traffic later at night and the mostly multi-lane road (up to 6 lanes) is better than the shorter scenic; but curvy 2 lane.

Bonus: Along the multi-lane there is every major restaurant you can think of making it easy to stop in if we are hungry. We were (grin) and stopped in at "Steak and Shake" (open 24 hrs.) for a nibble and a shake.

We arrived back at the RV well after midnight and went straight to bed.

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