Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Wednesday - 10 Feb/16

This is the coldest week of the year; however with the clear skies and sunshine it is better than having clouds and rain.

Charlotte completed the matching "Route 66" pillowcases for the T-shirt quilt. Really neat!

After checking the weather network forecasts yesterday we realize they had changed significantly and we had to move up our departure to get home.

We had made an appointment at Sew What to use the long arm quilting machine for Thursday morning at 9 a.m. Realizing we had to leave on Thursday because of the weather change we called Norlina to cancel our appointment.

Norlina, true to her helpful nature, said she would see if she could squeeze us in. She called back after 10 a.m. as the morning reservations (2 quilts) had been completed and if we came immediately we could do the quilt before the next quilter arrives.

In less than 20 minutes Charlotte was getting ready to quilt her "Scrap Quilt".

Charlotte guided the long arm quilting machine and finished the quilt just as the next quilter arrived. Now she will be able to take the quilt home instead of having to complete it when we return. We really appreciated Norlina going the "extra mile stitch" for us.

A quick meal at McD's and we were back at the park shortly after the noon hour. The rest of the day will be spent preparing the RV for storage. Since we will be there shortly the blog will be published before we go off "the grid". We will be "Dry Camping" in the RV overnight and leave early tomorrow morning for home.

The blog will continue when we return with a few weeks.

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