Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Tuesday - 23 Feb/16

Up and at the Super 8 breakfast area by 6 a.m. On the road by 6:30 a.m.

It was easy travelling with little morning traffic as we were going away from the greater Richmond area. It was raining lightly and this continued for most of the morning. There were a few heavier downpours for short periods. Most of the travelling was in a very light mist until noon.

As usual, we took the I-295 (East) towards JAX Beaches to by-pass Jacksonville, FL. Again, like Richmond, it is only a few miles longer; but actually quicker with less traffic.

We get off I-95 south of Jacksonville taking SR-207 to Palatka, FL. then connect to US-19 all the way to OMS. This is a really relaxing route for the final stage. Not much traffic and the shorter distance makes the time about the same (or less).

The lowest price for gas was in SC ($1.45 per US gallon). At an average of 70 mph the Del Sol was getting 40 miles per US gallon. The car was running perfectly; but that was to change.

In Palatka we noticed the temp gauge was rising sharply while we waited at the stoplights. The gauge would go back to normal when we got moving at a steady rate. It looks like the rad fan (electric) had called it quits. I can't complain - it's a 21 year old car.

The office was closed at OMS; however we knew our site number (81). This is a new site about a block from out last location. Ron was on night duty. I met him at the RV storage area and he expertly guided me to our site. We were set up at our new location before dark.

Once everything was set up we started the motorhome A/C as it was 80 F and humid. We decided to go to Chili's for supper.

To keep the car from overheating I put the heater on full heat (on defrost) and turn the blower to the top speed. This way it acts just like the rad by removing enough engine temperature to keep the car from overheating at the stop lights. Naturally, we had the windows down to keep from roasting.

We will be here at OMS for at least a month. We may stay longer. We will decided later this month. We always take a few weeks to travel and visit various destinations on out way back home.

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