Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Tuesday - 2 Feb/16

This is usually "Nothing Tuesday"; however, today was different.

We were up and out before 8 a.m. It was so foggy that approaching cars could not be seen until they were less than 100 yds. away even when they had their lights on.

Our destination, this early in the morning, was "Wally's Garage" at 15519 W US Hwy 441 (Suite 102) in Eustis, FL. I was fortunate enough to find this "GEM" a few years ago when I needed the Del Sol serviced. Wally is an ASE Certified Master Technician who has received the "Best in Eustis" Award for his service.

A few years ago I had stopped at another establishment (actually two) when the Del Sol's A/C stopped working.  Being in hot, humid Florida (from Canada, eh!) we needed a fix ASAP! Both of these previous (nationally branded) establishments diagnosed the need for a new compressor (only on my "it isn't working" description), at a cost of over $1500. Lucky for me they couldn't get me in for a few days so I kept searching and found "Wally". He could squeeze me in the next morning for an initial inspection if I could leave it for the day. Lucky for me Wally wouldn't give an opinion with being able to properly diagnose the situation. I returned.

At the end of the day (at pick-up time) Wally had the A/C working better than it had for some time. It was only low on fluid. Wally could have "seen me coming - all the way from Canada" just like the other two garages; however that is not how he does business! He charged me accordingly (or should I say, honestly) saving me a thousand and a half $$. I have been coming back every year since when the Del Sol needed some maintenance work completed.

Charlotte brought her 4 needle knitting for the long haul; but thanks to Wally we were on our way in less than an hour with the problem diagnosed and fixed. The charged was beyond reasonable. The experience - "Priceless".

Once again, our 21 year old Honda Del Sol would be able to return to our RV site in top condition.

Our next stop was just two minutes down Hwy 441. We needed another "Two for One" like yesterday (see blog). Charlotte wanted another colour yarn for the socks she was knitting and I picked up another (longer) iPhone "Lightning Cable" for use in the car. Our "usual" parking spot was available. The "Mission" accomplished in a few minutes (as if yesterday was a practice run - grin) and soon we were headed back to the motorhome.

After lunch we decided to do another "2-4-1". We would enjoy the sunshine (a beautiful day for a convertible ride) and a movie.

We headed to the "Barnstorm Theatre" in the "Brownwood" section of The Villages for the 1:30 p.m. showing of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" in 3D. It was a relaxing revisit to the original Star Wars movie that we saw at the drive-in (remember those?) made excellent by 3D. It was as if someone said, "Let's make another Star Wars that parallels the original theme, uses the original stars (and props) and has a similar ending and we'll bump up the sound and do it in 3D." I'm not saying it's not great, I'm just saying the original is still the best!

We enjoyed a repeat of the sunshine on the return trip to the RV Park.

By the evening Charlotte's "Bucket Ottoman" was completed. A rectangular Ice Cream Bucket now had a new life. It's really neat! It's great for the RV where space usage is important. I wonder what we will stuff under the lid!

Spoiler Alert! Charlotte has 5 more ice cream buckets at home! Can anybody say; "Gifts"? (grin)

Tonight was just a TV evening. Who ever thought that folks would look forward to watching 2 solid hours of old TV commercials? (Past SuperBowl Commercials). Well, we did!

All in all, another fun day was had by all (two of us).

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