Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Wed - 5 Feb/14

Up with the alarm at 7:20 a.m. Another above average day with temps in the mid-80's and a mix of sun and cloud once the fog burnt off.

The hot water heated up in just a few minutes for our morning shower.

Then a crisis! Charlotte could not find her quilt squares that she prepared for this morning. We looked everywhere - no luck! She brought material for another craft to keep busy for this session.

I spent time while she was at quilting straightening up the overhead storage compartment above the coat rack. There were enough accumulated items to fill the lounge chair.

I made Tuna Salad for lunch so it was ready when Charlotte returned from quilting.

At quilting Charlotte discovered that the Zip-Lock bag of quilting pieces was not forgotten in the craft room. We did another check of the RV and car. Suddenly, Charlotte remembered! It was in the basket she had purchased at the Mt. Dora Craft Fair. Talk about hiding in plain sight right there on the "Steering Wheel Table"! One thing is for sure - you always find missing things in the last place you look!

I continued on organizing the compartment while Charlotte was at the afternoon craft session.

Charlotte returned with her necklace completed. Looks Great!

We made Pizza for supper. We start with the individual Red Baron French Bread Supreme. Charlotte adds Hormel Pepperoni and stuffed green olive slices while I grate extra Mozzarella. Just 3 minutes in the microwave and it's go to go.

Charlotte took out her knitting needles and started a baby hat. She donates a few dozen each year to worthy causes.

No park events for us this evening. The usual TV before bed.

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