Monday, February 17, 2014

Sun - 16 Feb/14

Another beautiful day with a clear blue sky and temps in the low 70's F.

We headed out for the Mt. Dora Village Market around 11 a.m.

On the weekend the parking is always at a premium; however, walking the tree lined streets in Mt. Dora is a treat in itself.  The Market is held on Sunday from 9-2.

This is an eclectic little market in a great location in Elizabeth Evans Park at the south end of Donnelly St. past the Lakeside Inn Lawn Bowling Club. 

As usual, we found things we didn't know we needed.

The Olde Hearth Bread Company,Orlando’s original artisan bakery, had a wide variety of natural, fresh-baked breads and rustic breakfast pastries. Rosie was a lot of fun informing us of the wholesome qualities of the items including such things as no preservatives, nothing artificial and that they containing the goodness of anti-oxidants. Among our items were Chocolate and regular Croissants, Banana Bread and a few other treats.

We also picked up Candle (Tea Light) Holders in 3 sizes that were made from matching (in design) Grey Goose Vodka bottles. They should make unique patio lights.

We enjoyed the live music in the park while we shopped.

Charlotte likes adding Salsa to Mac and Cheese when I make it. She just used the last and was happy to find a great tasting Garlic Salsa at the Joy's Gourmet booth. Like the bread, this product featured ingredients that concentrated on being healthy as well as tasty.

We decided we needed to add a little "Spice to Our Life" (grin). After trying several samples we decided on "Grillin' Gun Powder" Steak Blend and Breakfast Blend shake-on spices.

Then we were off to Gilbert Park in Mt. Dora for a snack by Lake Dora. Gilbert Park was packed with folks. Half of the parking area was filled with trucks hauling boat trailers. Others were walking their dogs. Young families were taking their children on a nature walk on the long boardwalk. It took a few runs through the large parking lot before I was able to find a spot that someone was leaving.

Backing into parking spots has become a habit. When parking you have control of what you are doing - leaving you don't! Backing in rather than backing out is easier when you have a small 2 seater with a low profile. Most often I can't see over the large vehicles parked next to me. This at least makes it a little bit safer pulling out.

Mt. Dora, as far as we are concerned, is the best small town to visit - anywhere! They have spent millions improving the streets and sidewalks and are spending even more for improvements to benefit tourism. The street signage is excellent and the free street and public parking lots make it easy to visit the bustling downtown. Beautiful parks with abundant seating and washrooms are on almost every second corner.

After the snack (remember the croissants) we then headed for our main destination today - the Lakeside Inn We parked in their overflow lot and headed for the wharf.

We had a 3 p.m. Lake County Air Service reservation for a seaplane flight in a de Havilland "Beaver" with John Justad as our pilot. (Note: See my Sun - 9 Feb/14 blog for a little de Havilland "Beaver" history). The more folks on the tour the longer the trip. We booked yesterday and John was able to pair us with another couple which added to our flight time. 

I sat in the co-pilots seat and Charlotte in the rear. That way we would both be on the same side of the plane. The other couple sat in the middle pair of seats. The "Beaver", being able to carry more passengers than some smaller (e.g. Cessna) seaplanes, allows John to offer longer flights for the same per passenger cost. It's a "Win-Win".

This was an absolutely perfect day for flying - no wind and not a cloud in the sky. Everyone on the flight received a headset allowing for 2 way communication. Questions are encouraged and answered with great knowledge. I was amazed that John knew the name of every lake we flew over; although I doubt that he can name all 1400+ in Lake County (grin). Gee, I wonder how Lake County got it's name (another grin).

John also elaborated on many points of interest - often with a current or historical anecdote. The narrated tour included a "Gator Run" allowing us to spot these original "Florida Sunbathers" soaking up the heat in the shallow water near the edge of a lake. John also pointed out several canals that joined the lakes. We were surprised to find out that there is an official Naval Lighthouse in the Port of Mt. Dora. The "Port" designation is because the Atlantic Ocean can be reached through the chain of lakes and canals from Lake Dora.

During the tour we saw several familiar landmarks that we had seen in our local travels. The perspective from nearly 1000 feet up was really neat. John is also extremely flexible in his flight route. He graciously flew us over Olde Mill Stream RV Resort in Umatilla, FL where we are staying. We actually saw our Motorhome from the air as we circled the resort.

The flight was quiet and smooth, as was the landing. The roughest encounter was crossing the small wake lines left by boats as we were floating in to the dock. Highway rides aren't this smooth!

After the flight we understood why the folks we met (as  they were departing their flight earlier) said; "You'll really enjoy it" - and they were correct - we did!

We left the car parked and walked a few blocks to treat ourselves to dinner at Cecile's French Corner where quiches and crepes are featured.

We found a table for two in the shade. The entertainment on the patio was excellent.

We decide on a sampler platter: Coquilles St; Jacques, Escargot (in Phyllo Pastry Shells w/garlic & herb butter), Baked Brie, Pate de Foie Gras Mousse, Jellied Cranberry w/Walnuts, Strawberries, Seedless Grapes, Pickles and French Bread. Sooo Good!

After the leisurely appetizer we went straight to desert and indulged in a Dark Chocolate Fondue w/Strawberries, Marshmallows, Apples, Bananas and Angel Food Cake...Killer! This was Charlotte's (Belated) Valentine's Day Treat!

Yesterday, I wondered where the Porsches were in the myriad of "Topless" autos in Mt. Dora. Today they appeared - from 911's to Boxsters. My apologies! Today there was even an MGB; however, I still haven't seen any Jaguar E Types, Austin-Healeys or Triumphs. Maybe the "Mt. Dora Crowd" doesn't do British?

We returned to the RV Park and rested until it was time for Trivia at 7 p.m. (Remember: That's 6:30 in RVer Time).

Before the start Charlotte checked the events to see if there was anything new we wanted to sign up for. Nothing at the moment.

We had an interesting couple from Canada (Home: near Toronto, ON) join the Route 66 Trivia Team. Meeting new folks is part of the fun of being an RVer. They have been coming to this park for several years. (Note: All the teams have to have a name so the Trivia Hosts can track the scores.)

Tomorrow, being President's Day in the USA, meant that the theme for tonight's trivia was "U.S. Presidents". Needless to say, with this subject, 4 Canadians on a team of 6 didn't help our score. We were mid-pack this week.

The treat at break this week was cookies shaped like stars and decorated in Red, White & Blue...yummy! As usual, win or lose, it was fun!

Final item for a busy day - Our Grandson, Martin's, Hockey Team won Silver in a Hockey Tournament this weekend in Quebec. Another Ontario Team won Gold.

Marty is the goalie. He also won Player of the Game! Way to Go, Marty! We are proud of you!

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