Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sun - 23 Feb/14

Up at 7 a.m. to watch the Men's Olympic Hockey Gold Medal Game.

Jonathan Toews, Sidney Crosby and Chris Kunitz each scored and Carey Price posted a shutout as Canada beat Sweden 3-0.

Team Victory Hug!

Their second Gold in a row and 9th. in history - The Most Gold Medals in Men's Hockey - Ever!

Like the Canadian Women's team the Men's Team went undefeated.  The Men were never behind in a game for the whole tournament!

OK! I'm a Proud Canadian!

Today will be a day of relaxation. After the game we watched our standard - "Sunday Morning" on CBS.

Charlotte made Egg Salad Sandwiches for lunch. Mmmmm....comfort food! Hint: I think they taste best warm - not cold.

Then, the Daytona 500, was on the agenda. If you have never been, the DAYTONA 500 is the one race that will make you believe there’s no greater feeling than being there. As the cars come off the banked turn to pass the stands you have to swivel your head quickly in sync if you wish to see the action.

It is impossible to look straight ahead and see anything more than a blur of colour. Normal shutter speed cameras also have problems catching anything more than a blur.

Despite the exhilaration of the event and the experience of being in the crush of traffic and fans we now watch from the comfort of the sofa. No line for the washrooms (OK - restroom - I'm Canadian), no action missed waiting at the refreshment counter, no hard seats and no weather extremes to deal with including this year's tornado warnings.

We both still agree, it is something that should be on everyone's "Bucket List". Do it at least once. The "VIP Track Tour" is also recommended (selected days and times). I couldn't believe the amount of banking in the corners - it's hard just to stand there!

Then everything went South in the afternoon.

Problems Galore: Rain Delay in the Daytona 500. Then my printer indicated it ran out of ink and needed a new cartridge. Put in a refill; but the printer wouldn't recognize it: It quit and so did I. I don't know if it is a faulty cartridge or printer problem. Partial evacuation (the open grandstands) at the Daytona 500 - Flagler County is under a Tornado watch until mid-afternoon. Then, the Wi-Fi slowed to a crawl.

Now we are under a Tornado Warning! The highest possibility is just a few miles Southeast of us. The local TV radar gives minute by minute progress and warnings. Thunder - Lightning - Wind - Rain and Sunshine - all at the same time.

Charlotte said; "Is that the Tornado Siren?" I answered; "I don't think so - it's moving - must be the ambulance" (which we hear often). A few moments later our neighbours Tom and Barb were knocking on RV doors. They told everyone it was the Tornado Siren. We got dressed (Remember - this was a TV day) and joined folks in the Rec Hall. I had forgotten that they drive through the park with the siren going to make sure all hear. Ron came in about 10 minutes later with the "All Clear". Better safe than sorry! The Weather Service did confirm a few tornado touchdowns so far. The heavy storms that just passed us are heading towards the Daytona area - the 500 is still under delay.

Sunday is Trivia Evening at 7 p.m. During the day they post a answer for one of the questions in the Laundry Room and at the Post Office. Charlotte went to check (Laundry Room) and came back laughing. The clue was "Route 66" which is the name of our Trivia Team and on my Baseball Hat. I think we will remember tonight's clue answer.

The hosts of Trivia (for years) are retiring. They were presented with gifts during the evening. There was a full house this evening - about 20 teams of 6.

For the first time we were in 1st place for a short period; however, we missed part of the last question and ended up out of the top 3. No matter - we have a good group of folks and  always have fun playing. At intermission the treat tonight was cake. The 3 cakes had question clues written in icing. We had to put the information from all 3 cakes together to make up the question - then answer it.

A rather nice evening walk back to the RV considering the earlier weather.

TV was our last Olympics (for 4 years) before going to bed. Russian did an excellent job as host. Canada came 4th in the medal count with 10 Gold - 10 Silver and 5 Bronze behind Russia, the USA and Norway.

Way to Go Canada!

After watching the Closing Olympic Ceremonies in Sochi we finished the day with the Daytona 500 which was  just resuming after more than a 6  hour rain delay due to the weather. 6 cautions later they were racing 3 wide with 20 laps to go and 22 cars within 1 second of the leader - Wow! They were now racing each other as well as the weather as more storms were closing in on Daytona. The weather held off and Dale Earnhardt Jr. held on to win his 2nd Daytona 500 (10 years apart) in a wild finish which saw several cars wrecking behind the leaders in the final lap.

...and so another NASCAR season begins!

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