Monday, February 03, 2014

Mon - 3 Feb/14

Mixed sun and clouds with a few 5 minute showers today and up to mid-80's F (Tied an 1894 record high). At home the high is about 2 pm - here it is at 4 pm meaning it keeps warmer longer into the night.

The natives were doing their morning exercises strutting down the road.

Charlotte worked on her purse project. It is partially complete and looks great!

While Charlotte was at Quilting I returned all the groceries to the overhead storage. We discovered ants last night so we emptied the shelves and sprayed. All clear this morning so I re-arranged the RV pantry shelves.

Lunch was Tuna Fish Salad made with Romaine Lettuce instead of Iceburg Lettuce for a change.

I drove Charlotte to Crafts this afternoon and checked on the mail. I ordered an RV part (Main Burner for the Water Heater) as it would not start on the first try and was now significantly louder when burning. The pressure overflow occasionally dripped on the Burner and after 9 years the Main Burner was too rusted to adjust. Really quick service by USPS Priority Mail. It left Portland, OR at 4:15 p.m. on Feb 1 and arrived in Umatilla, FL this morning. (Feb 3).

Being an older burner the hook-up was not identical. If I connected the new Burner Tube as is the Regulator portion would have no support.

I exchanged parts combining the two then installed the hybrid.

Once installed the regulator had it's original support and I was able to adjust the flame properly. Now I have a nice Blue Flame. A properly adjusted flame also runs much quieter.

Finished just in time to pick Charlotte up at 3 pm. Charlotte was chatting while she worked with Tina who is also from Ontario.

I turned on the Hot Water (Gas) and it heated up really quickly. I then took a shower and then checked it after and all was working perfectly.

Supper was leftovers. I had the Panda Express and Charlotte had the Mason Jar Restaurant take home. Still as good as the first time around.

Off to Regular Bingo at 6:15 p.m. Another full house this evening. They were lined to the door.


On the second last Bingo of the Evening Charlotte won! ($68.00). That just about breaks us even for the previous Bingo evenings. The main thing is that it is fun.

After the Bingo Charlotte spent some time coating the paper beads for her next project with Modge-Podge while I completed the blog.

The A/C is on to allow for a good sleep this evening. The weather is not as extreme as back at home; however, it has gone from record lows to record highs over the past week. At least the heavy, dreary rain has passed for how.

A little TV, as usual, before bed.

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