Friday, February 14, 2014

Fri - 14 Feb/14

Happy Valentine's Day Everybody!

A nice day today with sunshine and scattered clouds and mid to high 60's F without too much wind.

We relaxed in the RV until Regular Bingo at 7 p.m.

At the Bingo half-time break everyone lines up for a few cookies. Charlotte was almost the only one with red and white on for Valentine's Day. Like I said when the Valentine's Day Dance was held last weekend instead of this evening - Bingo must be too important to cancel?

It was a good thing. This week I called "Bingo!" on time and won $50 on the "Cover All". That will about "Cover All" our Bingo cost for the next 2 Bingos.

Perfectly clear skies and a beautiful full moon out tonight. I thought of taking a picture; however, with a large lens the shot doesn't really turn out.

The usual evening agenda: Watching the Olympics on TV.


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