Saturday, February 08, 2014

Fri - 7 Feb/14

True to my word - we slept in this morning.

After lunch we headed for the craft fair at Holiday Travel Resort in Leesburg, FL. We didn't buy any crafts, per se, but we did purchase 2 pies. One was a Cherry Cheesecake and the other a "Kentucky Derby".

DERBY-PIE  was born nearly a half century ago as the specialty pastry of the Melrose Inn, at Prospect, Ky. Derby-Pie ® has become the signature Kentucky Derby dessert.

By 1968 DERBY-PIE® had become so successful that the name was registered with the U.S. Patent Office and the Commonwealth of Kentucky (that's the reason for the ® ). Since then it has been baked and distributed solely by Kern's Kitchen, a small family operation in Louisville. Made from a secret family recipe, Derby-Pie ® combines rich semi-sweet chocolate with English walnuts for a truly decadent experience. This was a clone.

Often Pecans are substituted in variations of the recipe - which really does contain Kentucky Bourbon.

As I was placing the pies in the car we met Tom and Chris who were just leaving the craft fair. Funny how you have to travel somewhere to meet folks you know (neighbours of ours on Suwannee St. at the Olde Mill Stream RV Resort) . 

Our next destination was the Barnstorm Theatre in The Villages, FL. This was the theatre we wanted to go to yesterday before having to change plans. We bought tickets for the 7:05 p.m. showing of Captain Phillips starring Tom Hanks then went into the square to pick a restaurant.

Our choice: Ricciardi's Italian Table. This is a new restaurant on the scene. It has only been open for a few weeks. It was crowded and we were quickly seated at one of the few remaining tables.

Charlotte ordered Shrimp & Scallop Juliana and I, the Baked Rigatoni Rustica. Both were excellent. As we left the waiting area was packed. Charlotte overheard that the wait time was now over an hour. 

The "Brownwood Paddock Square" is the latest of the 3 "Town Squares" in The Villages, FL. It's design reflects the ranching history of this area of Florida. Each square features live music nightly. The stage in this square resembles a log cabin.

The design execution in each of The Villages town squares could easily be mistaken for a street straight out of Disney. The "Cowboy Theme" of Brownwood is reflected in the new "over 100 year old" buildings.

After window shopping we eventually made our way back to the theatre for the show. Here the lobby and the theatre main aisles are lined with nostalgic items from a bygone era. Nicest theater setting we have seen - anywhere!

About the Movie: Captain Phillips is the true story of Captain Richard Phillips and the 2009 hijacking by Somali pirates of the US-flagged MV Maersk Alabama, the first American cargo ship to be hijacked in two hundred years. It was easy to see why it was nominated for 6 Academy Awards. The 134 minute film felt much shorter due to the pace and continuous tension. We both gave it a "Thumbs Up".

It was an easy drive back to the RV Park despite the light rain. That was the weather story for the day. Overcast, cool (low 60's F) and many light showers. Got home just before the extreme fog set in. More of the same tomorrow.

Naturally, we sampled both pies on returning to the RV. The Cherry Cheesecake was both light and tasty and the "Kentucky Derby" was a decadent, chocolate and nut bit of heaven topped off with the kick of bourbon.

We are not sure if we will make the 8 a.m. Pancake Breakfast tomorrow.

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