Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thu - 27 Feb/14

Cool and overcast today with temps only reaching the low 60's. The rain has stopped and the upcoming weekend will be sunny with temps in the high 70's - low 80's F - Great!

While on the Weather Channel I noticed the results of the  Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index survey which rates the States in Happiness. # 1 = North Dakota; #50 = West Virginia. Florida is #30. It probably is really #50 except that all the Snowbirds; happy to be out of the cold, have raised it's ranking 20 points (grin).

Charlotte will not be going to quilting today. She has her quilt almost competed. She just has to put the backing on which she will do in the RV.

A Christmas gift from my daughter was a Daily Bathroom Reader Calendar. It, along with a clock that indicates the current day (again - a Christmas gift - other daughter) keeps us on track since retirement means all the days of the week seem the same to us.

The wonderful bit of info today was "Retronyms" which are new words for old things that come into being with changing times:

     - Corn on the Cob - it was just "corn" until canned corn came into being in the 1920's.

     - Cloth Diaper - again, always "diapers" until disposables were created in 1949.

     - Hardcover Book - all books were hardcover until the 1930's when "Paperbacks" came onto the scene.

     - Silent Films - were "Films" / "Moving Pictures" / Movies until "Talkies" took over in the late 1920's.

I can't believe another month has passed by already and it is time to go to the office and pay this month's electrical and the site fee for the upcoming month.

The sun made it's presence known just before noon. Can you say "Roadtrip?"

Our first destination in Mt. Dora was the Mt. Dora Museum of Speed. This is a private collection that is open mostly from Monday thru Friday.

The friendly greeting even including a warm reception from "Wally".

Compared to many museums that often just display cars this exhibition also has an abundant selection of memorabilia - everywhere.

It is an eclectic collection of unique cars from many eras and genres.

Included with a the few hearses on display was a combination open hearse/flower car. They were "Top of the Line" Cadillac Hearses of which only a few were built.

The autographed guitar collection is equally impressive.

Signed by a legendary selection of musicians.

Included for viewing are a number of sports and muscle cars. "Enough Said". I won't give it all away except to say that it was a relaxing enjoyable and enlightening visit for both Charlotte and I.

Today was the day for memorabilia. Uncle Al's Time Capsule in downtown Mt. Dora. Uncle Al (Wittnebert) was named Autograph Dealer of the Year by the Universal Autograph Collectors Club. This terrific collection from all eras and genres that literally defies description. That is why you will have to visit in person. E.T. was so impressed he couldn't wait to tell everyone so he "phoned home" (grin).

Just down the street and around the corner - everything is that way in Mt. Dora - was our lunch destination. We were here, at The Windsor Rose Tea Room, several days ago; however, we had to pass as their oven was not working. Today all was OK.

Cross the threshold and you are in a quaint English Tea Room.

Our order today was "Canuck Treat" as usual.  Canuck Treat is based on "Dutch Treat". Instead of sharing the bill - you share the meals.

We shared the "Cottage Pie" which is a traditional English meal of fresh ground beef, carrots and peas in a rich gravy, topped with a mound of whipped potatoes and cheese and served with a side of  HP sauce and a side salad. Mmmmm good!

As well as "Bangers and Mash" which is another traditional mainstay of the British Isles. The plate contained two large Irish style pork sausages, served with creamy mashed potatoes, peas, and a rich brown onion gravy. (The gravy was sooo tasty).

Charlotte enjoyed her Ginger Tea - one of the dozens of  flavours available.

There was too much for us to finish so the remainder became take-out.

Our last stop was Target on the way back to the RV park from Mt. Dora. We just opened our last DampRid. We use the "Hanging" version in the clothes closet. An online checked showed it was in stock at this Target which is next door to Walmart. Less busy at Target which makes it is easier for parking and getting in and out quickly.

DampRid has a moisture absorbing chemical in the top compartment. As the moisture collects (due to a chemical reaction) it falls into the bottom compartment. The removal of the extra moisture (Florida - Eh!) keeps the clothes from having that wonderful mildew odour. There are other versions; however, we prefer this version for the closet. We did buy the "Bucket" style for use elsewhere in the RV.

Again, we arrived back in the park too late for Fast Bingo. We miss going; however, the awkward start - at supper time - often means it gets sacrificed.

Supper was the remainder of our lunch making it a repeat treat.  Dessert was the last of the Chocolate Pecan Coconut Pie. it only lasted so long because it was so sweet. As we are both diabetic, we had to divvy it out in small slices.

This was a very "Memorabilia" Day.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wed - 26 Feb/14

Our RV park friends dropped off a brochure for the Butterfly Rainforest in Gainesville, FL this morning.

The Butterfly Rainforest is part of the University of Florida's Natural History Museum that is considered one of the top 5  museums of this type in the USA. It is about an hour and a half north (just off I-75) and well worth putting on our "To Do" list. Aren't RVers great?

Charlotte is missing Quilting and Arts and Crafts today. This is CANADA DAY in the Rec Hall. Activities including a catered lunch, begin at noon (which means arrive by 11:30 a.m.).

There were 81 in attendance at the Canada Day Event. Only a few Canadians couldn't make it. Met and talked to several folks we knew from other activity encounters.

Erie and Jack organized the event this year. Thanks Guys!

The event opened with a the singing of Oh Canada. There was a slight hesitation part way through - not that folks didn't know the words - just that they didn't know which version to continue singing. Several provinces sing a hybrid version that features both official languages. A few folks stalled for a moment to see if the next verse was going to be in French or English. We always like to acknowledge our French language compatriots; however, it continued in the English version.

Everyone stood and introduced themselves (and partner). They also included an anecdote about their home town. Later, after the group picture, Sue and Pierre came and introduced themselves. We had not realized they were in the park. They recognized our name and city (Long Sault, ON) during the introductions. Our children went to the same school, we were members of the same congregation and Pierre and myself were 4th Degree Knights of Columbus. Once again - you know - the Disney thing (It's a Small World).

The Canada Day committee, led by Erie, did a fantastic job of setting up the hall. this year. They decided on a catered lunch rather than a potluck. Down south a catered lunch means ribs - which were perfectly done. Dessert was the Canada cake topped with ice cream. The food was excellent and plentiful (enough for seconds). A rousing round of applause indicated that everyone would like this to be the format for next year.

We sat with wonderful folks from different regions of Canada. In our area the range was from "The Rock" (Newfoundland) to New Brunswick and Saskatchewan (Gee - think the Roughrider Football Sweaters gave it away). The Saskatchewan Roughriders won the 101st. Grey Cup" last year.

The Grey Cup is named after Albert Grey, the Governor General of Canada from 1904 until 1911. He donated the trophy to the Canadian Rugby Union in 1909 to recognize the top amateur rugby football team in Canada. By this time Canadian Football had become markedly different from rugby from which it developed.

Football was introduced to North America in Canada by the British Army garrison in Montreal, Quebec. They played a series of games with McGill University in 1874. Canadian Football is different from American Football. The most recognizable differences is that we have 12 players (USA 11) who use 3 Downs (plays)  in which to achieve a first down by moving the ball 10 yards towards the goal line (USA uses 4). Both games have the same number of players required at the line of scrimmage, so the twelfth player in the Canadian game plays a backfield position. We play on a larger field (110 x 60 yds vs 100 x 53 1/3) with a deeper end zone (20 yds vs 10 yds). Our Goal Posts are at the Goal Line (vs the End Line). Historically the CFL ball was slightly larger; however, since 1985 it is now fractionally smaller by an average 1/4 inch (both diameter and length). The CFL ball has white stripes near each end while the NFL ball has none. In the Canadian game the teams must be 1 yard apart at the line of scrimmage (11" in the US - the length of the football). There are also a myriad of procedural rules that I won't get into. back to the party. (Can you tell I enjoy Football and Trivia - grin).

The lass from Newfoundland at our end of the table got up and read a Love Poem in Canada's 3rd Official Language ("Newfie" colloquialisms replete with accent) which was a wonderful thing, indeed. It was hilarious! I laughed so much tears ran down my leg (grin).

Terry did an excellent job writing the Canada Day Trivia Contest.

TOOT - TOOT (That's me blowing my own horn - I won - Eh! (grin). This year there was a prize - we will celebrate with a meal out in Mt. Dora.

Even though I am on the same Sunday Trivia team at the Rec Hall as Terry and his wife Marlene I swear I had no prior knowledge of the questions that were asked (grin).

It was a great event. We are already looking forward to attending Canada Day next year.

Remember, I said; "The rain is coming" previously in the blog. It is here! We got a little wet walking back to the RV. That's OK. The rest of the day will be a "PJ" day with TV in the evening. That's it - we are all washed up for today (grin).

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tue - 25 Feb/14

A nice day today before the rain comes in during the next few days.

This is Autumn in Florida. The trees are losing leaves and the ground is covered. The old leaves are dropping off as they are being replaced with new ones.

Neighbours use leaf blowers to clear them off their roof.

Nick, our son-in-law, texted with a request for some items from Harbor Freight being we are returning home in a week or so. We wish there was a Harbor Freight where we live. Perhaps they aren't coming because, in Canada, "Harbor Freight" would become "Harbour Freight" - the cost of the extra "U", not to mention "French" translations may be prohibitive (grin). Stephanie was very patient and managed to process all the discount coupons successfully.

Getting it all into the Del Sol (it's a 2-seat sports car) was tricky. We had to move the Solar Panel Kit to behind the seats and move the seats forward so much that I could hardly get in - let alone steer and shift. This was manageable for the few miles back to the RV - I would never make it back to Canada all scrunched up.

Next stop was Staples to pick up an ink cartridge for the printer. I had just replaced a cartridge; however, it would not recognize the replacement. I believe the new cartridge is faulty and I wanted to buy another. This way I could check to see if the cartridge was faulty. (Note: Back at the RV the new cartridge worked - the printer is back in business).

Now we were on our way back to the RV park. This is a shopping day so there would be a few more stops on the way.

I picked up a gift card from Dunkin' Donuts. In Canada, a gift card from Tim Horton's, our nationwide doughnut and coffee shop, is a way of saying "Thank You".

This card was our way of saying "Thank You" to Laura and Wally of Wally's Garage in Eustis, FL. They provided excellent service last week. See the Blog for Fri - 21 Feb/14 for complete details.

Charlotte had another craving for Boiled Peanuts. We stopped at the same roadside stand where we purchased our first bag. They were so good we had to return.  The stand is on Route 19 (going South) just on the outskirts of Umatilla, FL.

Fresh and hot - they were great! See the Blog for Tue - 18 Feb/14 for information about "Boiled Peanuts" written after our first visit.

We missed out on lunch with all the running around. Being close to the Mason Jar Restaurant,  the choice was a no-brainer. Once again, we went "Canuck Treat". That is something like "Dutch Treat". Instead of each sharing the cost, we do the 50-50 thing with the food. We share half of each. That way we enjoy the great taste of both. The Meatloaf was soooo good as was the Shepherd's Pie. The huge portions left us with no room for dessert. We will have to return just so we each can have a piece of the homemade pie.

We didn't make the Fast Bingo this evening which starts at 5:30 (you know - the 30 minutes early rule - really means be there by 5).

Tomorrow will be a busy day for Charlotte so we will just relax and watch TV this evening. Not so bad as this is my TV evening on CBS. ...and that's a wrap!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Mon - 24 Feb/14

Still in the low 80's F; however, overcast and not much wind. Rain will increase with showers tomorrow and heavy rains possible by Wednesday and Thursday. Then it will be back to a few days of sunshine.

Charlotte was busy today teaching the "Craft Basket" Class. Materials required were posted in the Rec Hall last week so everyone came prepared.

Folks did a fine job.

They picked up their own unique colours and materials that resulted in a variety of very pretty results.

Charlotte enjoyed teaching this craft. Certainly a skilled group.

Charlotte also received an e-mail from an RVer whom she taught this craft earlier as she could not be present for this class. She graciously e-mailed a picture of  a family heirloom (Huck Towel Embroidery). Charlotte will have fun doing this pattern. The craft group is a friendly lot that has no problem sharing their craft ideas.

We relaxed in the RV until it was time for Regular Bingo.

The Bingo does not sell cards past 6:45 p.m. Time is needed to mark the cards in the patterns required for each individual game. Everyone was prepared at the 6:45 cut-off so the Bingo started early. We had no luck this evening' but, fun as always. On the last and largest prize Bingo I did not have even 1 number on my card before it was won. There should be a prize for a "Perfect Loss:.

We already miss watching the Olympics before bed. Watched "The Blacklist" and news and that was it!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sun - 23 Feb/14

Up at 7 a.m. to watch the Men's Olympic Hockey Gold Medal Game.

Jonathan Toews, Sidney Crosby and Chris Kunitz each scored and Carey Price posted a shutout as Canada beat Sweden 3-0.

Team Victory Hug!

Their second Gold in a row and 9th. in history - The Most Gold Medals in Men's Hockey - Ever!

Like the Canadian Women's team the Men's Team went undefeated.  The Men were never behind in a game for the whole tournament!

OK! I'm a Proud Canadian!

Today will be a day of relaxation. After the game we watched our standard - "Sunday Morning" on CBS.

Charlotte made Egg Salad Sandwiches for lunch. Mmmmm....comfort food! Hint: I think they taste best warm - not cold.

Then, the Daytona 500, was on the agenda. If you have never been, the DAYTONA 500 is the one race that will make you believe there’s no greater feeling than being there. As the cars come off the banked turn to pass the stands you have to swivel your head quickly in sync if you wish to see the action.

It is impossible to look straight ahead and see anything more than a blur of colour. Normal shutter speed cameras also have problems catching anything more than a blur.

Despite the exhilaration of the event and the experience of being in the crush of traffic and fans we now watch from the comfort of the sofa. No line for the washrooms (OK - restroom - I'm Canadian), no action missed waiting at the refreshment counter, no hard seats and no weather extremes to deal with including this year's tornado warnings.

We both still agree, it is something that should be on everyone's "Bucket List". Do it at least once. The "VIP Track Tour" is also recommended (selected days and times). I couldn't believe the amount of banking in the corners - it's hard just to stand there!

Then everything went South in the afternoon.

Problems Galore: Rain Delay in the Daytona 500. Then my printer indicated it ran out of ink and needed a new cartridge. Put in a refill; but the printer wouldn't recognize it: It quit and so did I. I don't know if it is a faulty cartridge or printer problem. Partial evacuation (the open grandstands) at the Daytona 500 - Flagler County is under a Tornado watch until mid-afternoon. Then, the Wi-Fi slowed to a crawl.

Now we are under a Tornado Warning! The highest possibility is just a few miles Southeast of us. The local TV radar gives minute by minute progress and warnings. Thunder - Lightning - Wind - Rain and Sunshine - all at the same time.

Charlotte said; "Is that the Tornado Siren?" I answered; "I don't think so - it's moving - must be the ambulance" (which we hear often). A few moments later our neighbours Tom and Barb were knocking on RV doors. They told everyone it was the Tornado Siren. We got dressed (Remember - this was a TV day) and joined folks in the Rec Hall. I had forgotten that they drive through the park with the siren going to make sure all hear. Ron came in about 10 minutes later with the "All Clear". Better safe than sorry! The Weather Service did confirm a few tornado touchdowns so far. The heavy storms that just passed us are heading towards the Daytona area - the 500 is still under delay.

Sunday is Trivia Evening at 7 p.m. During the day they post a answer for one of the questions in the Laundry Room and at the Post Office. Charlotte went to check (Laundry Room) and came back laughing. The clue was "Route 66" which is the name of our Trivia Team and on my Baseball Hat. I think we will remember tonight's clue answer.

The hosts of Trivia (for years) are retiring. They were presented with gifts during the evening. There was a full house this evening - about 20 teams of 6.

For the first time we were in 1st place for a short period; however, we missed part of the last question and ended up out of the top 3. No matter - we have a good group of folks and  always have fun playing. At intermission the treat tonight was cake. The 3 cakes had question clues written in icing. We had to put the information from all 3 cakes together to make up the question - then answer it.

A rather nice evening walk back to the RV considering the earlier weather.

TV was our last Olympics (for 4 years) before going to bed. Russian did an excellent job as host. Canada came 4th in the medal count with 10 Gold - 10 Silver and 5 Bronze behind Russia, the USA and Norway.

Way to Go Canada!

After watching the Closing Olympic Ceremonies in Sochi we finished the day with the Daytona 500 which was  just resuming after more than a 6  hour rain delay due to the weather. 6 cautions later they were racing 3 wide with 20 laps to go and 22 cars within 1 second of the leader - Wow! They were now racing each other as well as the weather as more storms were closing in on Daytona. The weather held off and Dale Earnhardt Jr. held on to win his 2nd Daytona 500 (10 years apart) in a wild finish which saw several cars wrecking behind the leaders in the final lap.

...and so another NASCAR season begins!