Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wed - 26 Mar/14

Sunny, Clear and 25 F BELOW NORMAL today!

Within a degree of record lows. Low 40's again tonight - warming, then rain Friday and Saturday.

Our nice neighbours from Mallorytown Landing, ON have departed.

We enjoyed "Being Lazy" so much yesterday we are going to do it again today. Most of the planned park activities are closing down. The rooms are still available; however, activities are mostly in the "do your own thing" mode. I expect a lot more departures at the end of the month.

I am working on my Travel Program while Charlotte is doing a little knitting. We also each spent an hour doing our daily medicine for the next few weeks.

We didn't even go out of the RV today.

I spent the rest of the day exploring options for going home while watching TV.

Maybe tomorrow we will be more energetic?

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