Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thu - 13 Mar/14

Brrr.... a mini cold spell today (for FL). High in low 60's F - tonight High 30's F then back to 70's F tomorrow. At least it is clear and sunny.

Charlotte cleaned the fridge this morning in prep for Liz's food list. I already asked Liz for a list of things they liked to eat and drink which she sent.

We will give Liz and Nick the main bedroom and we will sleep on the sofa bed. Marty will get the dinette bed. Now to get everything "ship-shape".

Wow! We really were surprised when the knock at the door around the noon hour turned out to be Ruth and Vince! We first met these wonderful folks at the Suwannee RV Park in White River, FL in 2005.

Coincidence? Our present site is on Suwannee St. - Deja Nu! (That's like Deja Vu - except newer - grin)

Please note: This was before this RV park became a nudist facility. Needless to say, we won't be returning there (unless we have to sell our clothes for fuel - another grin).

Suwannee was our first RV experience and they sure helped make it a good one. We have kept in touch via email since; however, this is the first time we have seen them since then. We sure appreciated see them again. This is what makes RV so great - the people you meet!

We spent the day getting things arranged for our visitors.

TV to end the evening. Tomorrow we will go grocery shopping.

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