Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thu - 27 Mar/14

Another cold night. No sunshine but not as bad as yesterday. Record Lows for the High Temps yesterday!

The warm-up is starting. Low 70's today - 80's with rain later this evening and more of the same on Friday and Saturday - Sunshine again by Sunday.

We are still in "Vegging" Mode. I am using the time to find a route and things to do on the way back home. It is more difficult to find things to do when going home from Florida. From Arizona or California we had 2000 miles to find things to do along the way as we headed east. Now we are east and home is less than 3 days away going north. We have seen so many attractions along this path that new things "To Do" are hard to find. We may revisit a few of our favourite places and add some new destinations on the way - I'm working on it.

Charlotte is making "French Toast" to use up the frozen sausages we have left in the freezer. We are trying to reduce the food items in store for when we get back on the road. It was yummy!

Finally - sunshine about 5 p.m. Gone in an hour.

Just TV tonight. Popcorn (w/real butter - mmmm) An Evening Treat!

Update from TV: The Villages, FL is the fastest growing residential area in the USA. Their current population is now up over 107,000. (It was around 90,000 last time I knew). This growth is even more amazing when you consider one of the regulations for ownership is age restrictions - this is a 55 plus community.

See past blog  ( Sat., 26 Jan 13) for more info on the villages.

The weather has been so "Blah" we haven't done a thing for the past few days.

It may be that way until at least Sunday if the rain is heavy. At least it is not snow and -40.

That's about it for today.

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