Monday, March 24, 2014

Mon - 24 Mar/14

A real Florida day predicted for today and tomorrow. A little bit of everything expected - sun, clouds, rain. When and where will be anybodies guess. Rain was expected yesterday and it didn't happen. Chances are it will come later this evening and through the night.

Carol (Arts and Crafts coordinator) came to the RV door this morning to bring Charlotte a pair of her scissors that she had forgotten in the Crafts room. The activities are now in a holding pattern as folks are starting to depart for home. The room will be open for folks to meet and work on finishing up their own craft activities.

After lunch we departed for Mt. Dora. First stop - Radio Shack. I wanted to see if a TV amplifier would improve the TV reception.

Then we headed for the Historic downtown shopping area. Our first stop was the Mount Dora Olive Oil Company.

After sampling a few dozen Olive Oil and Balsamic variations Charlotte decided on her purchases.

Our next destination was just a little further down the street to Ashley's Flag and Sports Shoppe. Charlotte had purchased neat slippers there in the past and wanted to purchase more of the same.

A quick stop on the way back to the RV Park at the closest Publix for milk, water and bananas. We then returned to the RV. I had an enjoyable time talking with our neighbour Tom. These folks will be heading home to Canada in a few days so I wished them safe travels.

Charlotte had a nap while I worked on the TV system. I hooked an amplifier up on the bedroom TV. With the bedroom and front TV tuned to the same channel I turned the Signal Strength Meters on both and compared the readings. The amplifier did not make any difference - the signal strength on both was identical.

So, it was back to Radio Shack to return the amplifiers which was done in a flash.

Being we were in the neighbourhood - I suggested Chili's for supper. Agreed!

Charlotte order a bowl Chicken Enchilada Soup (a favourite) and tea. I ordered the Texas Cheese (and bacon) Fries (hold the Jalapenos). Chili's does this the best - the cast iron skillet keeps everything warm for a long time making it more enjoyable from start to finish.

Chili's now features the Ziosk. This wireless display screen at each tables has many functions. You can play games ($0.99 for unlimited play), order/re-order drinks, check out menu items that are displayed on screen, etc, etc. When the meal was done I paid the bill and left the tip using my credit card on the Ziosk. It will print or email you a (long) receipt. Neat!

We made it back to the RV just before sunset. Nice that it now gets dark much later, Now I am not so SAD (grin). Seasonal Affected Disorder, which is also known as winter depression, winter blues or seasonal depression, is a mood disorder  in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms in the winter. This is thought to be due to the lack of sunlight. Although experts were initially skeptical, this condition is now recognized as a common disorder, with its prevalence in the U.S. ranging from 1.4% in Florida to 9.7% in New Hampshire. Since I have never been normal mentally (grin) the point is moot.

It was a good day to not do a lot. We were still recovering from our busy day on Sunday. We are still expecting rain. It was supposed to rain on Sunday - it didn't! It was supposed to rain today. It hasn't! Perhaps it will rain overnight?.

Otherwise, just the usual TV before bedtime.

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