Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Tue - 25 Mar/14

Virtually all of the last 3 days rain that was predicted went just south of us. The Miami/Key West area got heavy rain - hope the folks on the Key West excursion weren't deluged.

We decided to do very little today. It doesn't hurt to be lazy once in a while. Hey! We are retired!

Started to see the sunshine about 1 p.m.

I am now researching the trip home. We decided to stay a bit after the end of the month. There will be a lot of month end RV traffic on the roads if we leave on April 1st (which would be no joke - grin).

Some folks here are continually raking the fallen leaves. The park staff come around daily and pick up the piles that have been raked up and left near the road.

To me this is an exercise in futility. Some neighbours have done this once or twice a week since we arrived. Our lot is the same as when we got here 3 months ago. We have no more or no less leaves (by my last count - grin) on the ground from the surrounding Live Oak trees. It is so windy most of the time the leaves just drift from lot to lot. Perhaps they are OCD or just want the exercise.

Quit working on my trip database after 1 pm. Then I finished this blog.

The cold front will drop night time temps to almost freezing for 1 day only. Then it will warm back up.

That's it for today. Nighty-night!

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