Monday, March 10, 2014

Mon - 10 Mar/14

Same routine as on the way down. Wake up call at 5:30 a.m. Continental breakfast in the lobby then on our way a little after 6. The change of time now meant it was dark until about 7:30 a.m.

Another sunny day. Travelling was good again all the way.

Only 1 idiot. Decided he was not on the right off ramp and pulled back on - missed by a few inches. Lucky I saw him coming (barely).

We came in another way. We took Exit 311 off I-95 onto SR-207 to East Palatka, FL. Then US-17 to SR-19 which goes right past the RV Park in Umatilla, FL.

This is a really nice way in. The travel time is about the same; however, except through the Palatka's - very little traffic and much more relaxing after all day in fast traffic.

We went to the Pizza Hut across from the park entrance then the grocery store behind for milk, juice and a 12 pack of Dr. Pepper.

The total trip (both ways) came to about $400 (U.S.) for fuel and motel nights.

We unpacked in time to watch Jeopardy. We will crash early tonight.

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