Monday, March 03, 2014

Mon - 3 Mar/14

Today is a perfect day - mid-80's and clear. Tomorrow a chance of rain (20%) - hope we get away before it starts and that it is not too foggy.

Hey! I'm going "Tech" - my daughter introduced me to Face Time on the iPhone and we talked to her and our grandson. Nice to see their faces as well as hear their voices.

Hope the major snow storm  up north gets cleaned up by the time we get up there.

Bacon and egg sandwiches to use up 'fridge items that may not be so good by the time we return.

The RV is in a state of chaos as we prepare items to take home with us.

Skipped all the park events today to rest and pack.

That's it for the blog for the next little while (unless we can get good Wi-Fi).

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