Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sun - Mar 30/14

It is a little below normal - only low 70's F (usually about 80 F).

At least we are seeing sunshine....and more of the same for the next week with temps rising into the mid-80F.

Today will be a Mt. Dora day.

The first stop was to get the Del Sol washed. The heavy rain cleaned the car except that it was so hard that the bottom was dirty from the sandy ground splashing up about a foot. We went to the Superwash Express in Mt. Dora which does a fantastic full service wash.

Our next destination was Pisces Rising in Mt. Dora for brunch. This is a great restaurant with a super view of Lake Dora from either the patio or inside (lots of windows).

We ordered from the Sunday Brunch menu rather than the lunch menu. Charlotte ordered the Smoked Salmon Plate. Pisces Rising smokes the salmon "in house" using apple wood chips. It was perfect. The plate comes with chopped egg, capers, onions, tomatoes, cream cheese and crustini toast - all for a very reasonable price.

I ordered the Pisces Benedict: two English muffins with Caribbean Crab Cakes topped with poached eggs and Hollandaise Sauce. This was served with scalloped potatoes. It was awesome!

A special treat today was the live entertainment provided by George Grosman, a jazz guitarist/vocalist who was exceptional. Today he was solo; however, his group, the Gypsy Bluez certainly benefits from his 30 Plus years of experience as a guitarist, vocalist, composer and producer.

Many entertainers play - George communicates as well. If we just wanted music we would use a radio. His rapport with the audience makes the music so much more enjoyable. He spotted my Route 66 baseball cap and promptly played an upbeat jazz version of that song: (Get Your Kicks On) Route 66.

Later he played "Itsy-Bitsy Spider" (regular and jazz versions) for a young miss who was holding her doll. She was totally mesmerized by his music. A few of the patrons (the 2 "Biker Babes" at the bar) where busy accompanying "Itsy-Bitsy Spider went up the water spout" with the appropriate hand gestures.

Everyone was having fun.

George's classical background was evident as he played several Gershwin tunes (Jazz versions). I couldn't miss the opportunity and requested "Summertime" (from the Gershwin Opera "Porgy and Bess") which George sang and played jazz style - marvelously!

Bonus: Not only a great meal "Al Fresco" at Pisces Rising; but, great music, to boot.

It was too nice a day after all the dull days this past week. Time to enjoy a drive with the top off the Del Sol. We started by cruising Mt. Dora. One of these days I hope to get a picture of the Orange Blossom Cannonball Steam Train crossing the bridge over Tremain St.

We then headed out onto the "Back Roads" for an hour or so. As we neared DeLand, FL we looped back through Altoona and then to our RV at OMS (Olde Mill Stream RV Park) in Umatilla, FL A nice, relaxing afternoon drive. We left the top off on the Del Sol back at the RV as we would be leaving again in a few hours.

The evening found us once again visiting Fort Sumter Landing in The Villages.Still nice enough out to enjoy having the top off the car. We went to the Sweet Day supermarket to pick up some groceries before drifting over to the Square for the evening's live entertainment.

Supper was at Johnny Rockets - again. We shared a Philly Steak Sandwich w/Bacon Cheese Fires and a Strawberry Milkshake (again). Just enough for the two of us.

The entertainment tonight was provided by "The Sixties Band". The Sixties is a band is actually based in The Villages, FL. They play songs from the 60s up until 1973, focusing on the British Invasion bands and similar American bands of that period. This is our music era! A lot of the audience (ages = to the band's name) = 60's (grin) were up and dancing to the music. Better than Geritol!

The 5 man band uses era correct Vox amplifiers and speakers, period correct Luwig drums, 3 Rickenbacker guitars (including two 12 string) as well as Gretsch, Hoffner and Fender guitars - all rehabbed and working well!

A nice quiet drive back to the RV park. We then "Hit the Sack". With nice weather coming we will likely be busy and will need the extra rest!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sat - 29 Mar/14

Finally, it rained! It was really heavy at times overnight; but, this is Florida. This morning all has been soaked up and you wouldn't know anything had happened. We are now under "Tornado Watch #42" on the weather radio. We are batting 0 for 42 although one did turn into a "Warning". (Watch = possible - Warning = imminent) Temps will hit the low 80's F today and the humidity is in the 90% range.

At 11:30 a.m. the Weather Radio just went off again - There was a "Tornado Warning" just west and north (60 miles) of us until 5 p.m..

This will be another "Veg Out" day. I will continue working on "Going Home" plans.

At noon it began to rain lightly. It is "dark as dusk" outside at noon. Chances of heavy rain and thunderstorms are very possible.

Local TV is showing a Severe "Thunderstorm Warning" (w/hail possible) for all of Central Florida. The local TV stations are tracking the weather minute by minute. We expect the worst in about a half hour. Winds up from 60 - 70 mph possible. The list of minute by minute arrival times in the area is really accurate. We can expect the heavy rain in a few minutes.

TV just updated to a "Tornado Watch". Their "Severe Weather Update" map is solid white with lightning strikes for much of the radar storm weather map. The thunder is now rumbling overhead and the rain is really heavy. A quick "Couple Inches of Rain" is the TV description. The TV volume is twice the normal level just so we can hear it.

The Park Truck just went by with the "Tornado Warning Siren" wailing! We are watching live TV weather. Their radar is extremely accurate. We decided to remain in the RV rather than go to the shelter. TV information now shows we (Lake County) is out of the "Tornado Warning" area. It is moving east at 35 mph.
Fortunately, we are in the lightest storm area now on the map. Light rain with thunder and lightning for us now with a little heavier rain expected in about a half hour.

Disney World is now being dumped on. It has just crossed I-95 at Daytona Beach (1:45 p.m) - not fun for those on Spring Break.

Our power just blinked. TV reports lightning has started a structure fire due to lightning and knocked down power lines in Lady Lake, FL. We are in "Lightning Alley". The area from Tampa to Orlando has the highest number of lightning strikes in the entire USA! Over 3000 strikes so far and continuing at the rate of around 1000 an hour!

Just below us (20 miles as the crow flies) a "Waterspot" (Tornado over water) has been spotted (on radar) in Lake Apopka. They have now announced 3 "Tornado Warnings" (meaning rotations have been spotted on radar). These rotations may not have "touched down"; but , indications are they are near the ground. No confirmations, as yet (although several reports have been called in). The cloud formations are now nearly reaching up to 50,000 feet. Chances for hail are imminent when the updrafts get this high. Up to 1" hail has been spotted.

The TV reports are giving the immediate areas of concern due to strong rotations. They are giving these warnings by area and street name (east of Lake Nona). Some straight line winds are now up to 120 mph in this area. Some roads have been blocked by downed trees and windows being blown out of houses (pictures coming in by social media are being displayed on TV) The storm is now moving east at 45 mph and should be off-shore in an hour.

OIA (Orlando International Airport) has been shut down for 1.5 hours and hundreds of flights cancelled or re-routed. The airport control tower was partially evacuated. There is a potential for it to get nasty!

As expected the heavier rain has now arrived.

Charlotte made Fish Rolls for lunch...mmm good!

The TV has been pre-empted with continuous coverage for over 3 hours. They are tapping into the DOT highway cameras near the center of the storm as they try to spot a funnel cloud. It is now pushing across I-95 from Titusville to Cocoa Beach. The TV showed live shots of folks on Cocoa Beach with the storm less than 5 minutes away. They are asking folks to warn them as lightning can strike prior to the storm arrival.

At least the storm makes a dull day more interesting. Besides, it is the most interesting thing on TV at this time of day.

All clear by 4 p.m. Sunshine breaking through at 4:30 p.m.

The OMS RV Park office called to get an update. We blocked our lot until the end of April. They wanted to know when we would be departing. We said that it would be mid-April - depending on the weather.

Charlotte made cracker snacks for supper. Ritz, old cheese, pepperoni and pickles. One of my favourites.

Just a relaxing evening of TV. After Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune we watched Dateline then news.

We should have sun back on it's day (Sunday - grin).

Friday, March 28, 2014

Fri - 28 Mar/14

No longer "Vegging Out".

After lunch we set out for The Villages Old Mill Playhouse.

The movie NOAH was starting in theaters today. We thought we would get the 2 pm show and get home before the rain in the evening.

We didn't know what to expect from "Noah"; however, it was nowhere close to what we expected. It was a cross between "The Transformers" and "Gladiator" - the names were not changed to protect the innocent (viewers - grin). Needless to say we were extremely disappointed. We almost felt like warning the 50 or 60 folks in line for the next showing. Perhaps we're just old-fashioned. I won't say any more than that.

After the show we took a walk around the "Square". The parking around the square was reserved today for The Villages Goldwing Association. This is a group of Honda Goldwing Motorcyclists based in The Villages. There were 50 or 60 Goldwings of various colours and configurations parked side-by-side around the square. Really nice bikes. No money lacking with that group.

Next we did a little shopping. Charlotte found a neat Butterfly T-shirt.

It goes from black to colours in certain lighting conditions - Neat!

At the Izod Store Charlotte found a few matching pant/top sets. She had bought some items here several weeks ago and liked the fit and quality. She found 2 more nice sets today.

We decided to head to World Famous Gator Joe's in Ocklawaha, FL for all you can eat "Fish Friday's". We enjoyed the food here enough on our first 2 visits that we decided to return.

This is our first Friday visit. We got in just after 5 o'clock - good thing. There soon was a long waiting line after we were seated. We enjoyed the live Country Music duo while we ate. Food was good as always.

We decided to take the "back roads" to the RV park. Even though it was not sunny it was still comfortable enough to leave the top off the Del Sol. Many of the roads in this area are really pretty. The Live Oak trees on both sides meet in the middle forming a lovely canopy over the road - complete with Spanish Moss. Not quite as impressive as "Oak Alley" (Boone Hall Plantation - Mt. Pleasant, SC) in Gone With The Wind fame; but still fun to drive under. A few occasional raindrops on the windshield; but, not enough to warrant putting the top on.

It was a relaxing drive back with very little traffic. We arrived at the RV about 7:30 p.m.

TV this evening: Family Feud, Dateline, News, etc., etc.while we wait for the rain that the TV News keeps predicting. This is the same rain we waited for over the last few days. Maybe tonight?

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thu - 27 Mar/14

Another cold night. No sunshine but not as bad as yesterday. Record Lows for the High Temps yesterday!

The warm-up is starting. Low 70's today - 80's with rain later this evening and more of the same on Friday and Saturday - Sunshine again by Sunday.

We are still in "Vegging" Mode. I am using the time to find a route and things to do on the way back home. It is more difficult to find things to do when going home from Florida. From Arizona or California we had 2000 miles to find things to do along the way as we headed east. Now we are east and home is less than 3 days away going north. We have seen so many attractions along this path that new things "To Do" are hard to find. We may revisit a few of our favourite places and add some new destinations on the way - I'm working on it.

Charlotte is making "French Toast" to use up the frozen sausages we have left in the freezer. We are trying to reduce the food items in store for when we get back on the road. It was yummy!

Finally - sunshine about 5 p.m. Gone in an hour.

Just TV tonight. Popcorn (w/real butter - mmmm) An Evening Treat!

Update from TV: The Villages, FL is the fastest growing residential area in the USA. Their current population is now up over 107,000. (It was around 90,000 last time I knew). This growth is even more amazing when you consider one of the regulations for ownership is age restrictions - this is a 55 plus community.

See past blog  ( Sat., 26 Jan 13) for more info on the villages.

The weather has been so "Blah" we haven't done a thing for the past few days.

It may be that way until at least Sunday if the rain is heavy. At least it is not snow and -40.

That's about it for today.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wed - 26 Mar/14

Sunny, Clear and 25 F BELOW NORMAL today!

Within a degree of record lows. Low 40's again tonight - warming, then rain Friday and Saturday.

Our nice neighbours from Mallorytown Landing, ON have departed.

We enjoyed "Being Lazy" so much yesterday we are going to do it again today. Most of the planned park activities are closing down. The rooms are still available; however, activities are mostly in the "do your own thing" mode. I expect a lot more departures at the end of the month.

I am working on my Travel Program while Charlotte is doing a little knitting. We also each spent an hour doing our daily medicine for the next few weeks.

We didn't even go out of the RV today.

I spent the rest of the day exploring options for going home while watching TV.

Maybe tomorrow we will be more energetic?

Tue - 25 Mar/14

Virtually all of the last 3 days rain that was predicted went just south of us. The Miami/Key West area got heavy rain - hope the folks on the Key West excursion weren't deluged.

We decided to do very little today. It doesn't hurt to be lazy once in a while. Hey! We are retired!

Started to see the sunshine about 1 p.m.

I am now researching the trip home. We decided to stay a bit after the end of the month. There will be a lot of month end RV traffic on the roads if we leave on April 1st (which would be no joke - grin).

Some folks here are continually raking the fallen leaves. The park staff come around daily and pick up the piles that have been raked up and left near the road.

To me this is an exercise in futility. Some neighbours have done this once or twice a week since we arrived. Our lot is the same as when we got here 3 months ago. We have no more or no less leaves (by my last count - grin) on the ground from the surrounding Live Oak trees. It is so windy most of the time the leaves just drift from lot to lot. Perhaps they are OCD or just want the exercise.

Quit working on my trip database after 1 pm. Then I finished this blog.

The cold front will drop night time temps to almost freezing for 1 day only. Then it will warm back up.

That's it for today. Nighty-night!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Mon - 24 Mar/14

A real Florida day predicted for today and tomorrow. A little bit of everything expected - sun, clouds, rain. When and where will be anybodies guess. Rain was expected yesterday and it didn't happen. Chances are it will come later this evening and through the night.

Carol (Arts and Crafts coordinator) came to the RV door this morning to bring Charlotte a pair of her scissors that she had forgotten in the Crafts room. The activities are now in a holding pattern as folks are starting to depart for home. The room will be open for folks to meet and work on finishing up their own craft activities.

After lunch we departed for Mt. Dora. First stop - Radio Shack. I wanted to see if a TV amplifier would improve the TV reception.

Then we headed for the Historic downtown shopping area. Our first stop was the Mount Dora Olive Oil Company.

After sampling a few dozen Olive Oil and Balsamic variations Charlotte decided on her purchases.

Our next destination was just a little further down the street to Ashley's Flag and Sports Shoppe. Charlotte had purchased neat slippers there in the past and wanted to purchase more of the same.

A quick stop on the way back to the RV Park at the closest Publix for milk, water and bananas. We then returned to the RV. I had an enjoyable time talking with our neighbour Tom. These folks will be heading home to Canada in a few days so I wished them safe travels.

Charlotte had a nap while I worked on the TV system. I hooked an amplifier up on the bedroom TV. With the bedroom and front TV tuned to the same channel I turned the Signal Strength Meters on both and compared the readings. The amplifier did not make any difference - the signal strength on both was identical.

So, it was back to Radio Shack to return the amplifiers which was done in a flash.

Being we were in the neighbourhood - I suggested Chili's for supper. Agreed!

Charlotte order a bowl Chicken Enchilada Soup (a favourite) and tea. I ordered the Texas Cheese (and bacon) Fries (hold the Jalapenos). Chili's does this the best - the cast iron skillet keeps everything warm for a long time making it more enjoyable from start to finish.

Chili's now features the Ziosk. This wireless display screen at each tables has many functions. You can play games ($0.99 for unlimited play), order/re-order drinks, check out menu items that are displayed on screen, etc, etc. When the meal was done I paid the bill and left the tip using my credit card on the Ziosk. It will print or email you a (long) receipt. Neat!

We made it back to the RV just before sunset. Nice that it now gets dark much later, Now I am not so SAD (grin). Seasonal Affected Disorder, which is also known as winter depression, winter blues or seasonal depression, is a mood disorder  in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms in the winter. This is thought to be due to the lack of sunlight. Although experts were initially skeptical, this condition is now recognized as a common disorder, with its prevalence in the U.S. ranging from 1.4% in Florida to 9.7% in New Hampshire. Since I have never been normal mentally (grin) the point is moot.

It was a good day to not do a lot. We were still recovering from our busy day on Sunday. We are still expecting rain. It was supposed to rain on Sunday - it didn't! It was supposed to rain today. It hasn't! Perhaps it will rain overnight?.

Otherwise, just the usual TV before bedtime.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sun - 23 Mar/14

We slept in until 9 a.m.

Then it was the usual CBS Sunday Morning on TV.

Just after noon we went to Harbor Freight in Leesburg, FL. I wanted to pick up a "Corded" drill like the one Nick got last week. Doing the headlight renewal last week meant having to wait for the batteries on the "Cordless" drill to recharge. Even though I had 2 batteries they did not give enough "use time" at full power to do a good job without recharging. Thus, the need for a corded drill.

I purchased a 3/8 inch "Close Quarters Drill". The motor is mounted vertically instead of horizontally with a gear assembly giving it essentially a "Right Angle" turn to the drive. This makes the "Drill" portion much shorter than that in a regular drill allowing it to get into "Close Quarter".

The guys (Liz, Nick and Marty) gave us a gift card for Manny's Original Chop House. Today would be the day. After Harbor Freight we started on the route I had planned and entered into the GPS. Using the "back roads" to get there we would avoid the heavy traffic of the major roads.

It was a relaxing trip with virtually no traffic. The weather was perfect for driving the Del Sol in convertible mode. This is not the time of year to be in this part of Florida if you have severe allergies. The hood of the car actually has a very thin coat of golden pollen covering it completely - amazing. The drive was such a treat. With the top off we encountered the wonderful fragrance of the orange blossoms several times during the trip.

The guys included a brochure and a "Call Ahead" card for Manny's with the gift card. You cannot make a reservation; however, if you call ahead you can get your name on the "waiting list". We called when we were 20 minutes out and only had to wait a few minutes. Usually, Manny's doesn't open until 4 pm - except on Sunday - when they open at 9:30 a.m. We figured arriving at 3 p.m. would be a good time to avoid the rush. The regular parking lot had only a few spots left - even at this odd eating hour.

Hey! How many places have a "Corvette" hostess desk?

This is really a "must visit" - if just for the atmosphere. Now we know why Nick likes Manny's so much!

The eclectic memorabilia includes the "Blues Brothers".

Even the "Bluesmobile" was there!

When we went to wash our hands the adventure continued. The door handle was from a gas pump.

...and how about the '57 Chevy decor in the washroom - oops! sorry - restroom (I'm Canadian).

Service was fast and friendly. Jason was fun to talk with - when he was not "crazy busy" serving (which was most of the time). He was so fast, when he served the salad (which was super tasty),  the camera could not capture an image without blurring (grin).

When he found out we were RVers, Jason revealed that his passion would be to RV across America in an Airstream Trailer. He also told us about Bates Airstream Ranch. Bates is one of Americas largest Airstream the U.S. The Airstream Ranch can be seen off I-4 (Eastbound Lane is best) just west of Exit 14.

This is an RV version of the Cadillac Ranch that we saw in Amarillo, TX. The Cadillac Ranch was an art project that consisted of 1949 to 1963 Cadillacs, half-buried nose-first in the ground (by year), at an angle corresponding to that of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. Graffiti is encouraged at the Cadillac Ranch location; however, it is appropriate that the Aluminum Airstream bodies remain in their original state.

We ordered our usual - 9 oz. filets (Charlotte's - medium / mine medium-rare). They were terrific!

We really came at a good time. The entry was so packed when we left we could hardly make our way to the door. The "Pager" rack that held at least 4 dozen units only had a few left. The regular parking lot was now full. The overflow parking lot was also full and the grass area beyond was almost full. There were at least a hundred cars in the parking lot now. Another few dozen folks were waiting outside. The tradition here is "Manny's Tailgate Party". While waiting for their buzzer folks get a drink from the bar and head to the parking lot to drink and chat. This is a unique place!

Good food - good prices - good service and a great atmosphere - no wonder they are always packed. Thanks guys for the Gift Card! It was a lot of fun!

The return trip to the RV was equally enjoyable. (Has anybody bottled the orange blossom odour?)

All that fresh air and sunshine (not to mention - being stuffed) took it's toll. We decided to pass on the Sunday Night Trivia event in the Rec Hall - besides, I think most of our team is on the Key West Trip this weekend.

I don't think we will have to be rocked to sleep tonight!

Sat - 22 Mar/14

Family - Liz (Daughter), Nick(Hubby) and Marty (Grandson) left for home Friday morning. Text message today indicated they are about 2 hours from Hershey today. Hershey (Chocolate Factory Exhibit) is a regular fun stop for them on the way home.

Aunt Cathy sent weather report from home - she can't see across the road in Ottawa, ON.

Here it is overcast due to a little high fog. It will be in the mid-70's this morning. Mid-80's by afternoon. May be isolated thunderstorms somewhere at some time?

We headed for Mt. Dora about 10 do the Arts and Crafts show. Good crowd as always.

We made a stop at "In A Nutshell Miniatures and More". This is a delightful little store and a regular visit for us. We check to see if they have any Boyds Bear Resins (Bearstones) that we may be interested in adding to our collection (Over 200 and counting).

We added 2 first editions to our collection.

Trisha Tartberry...L'il Entrepreneur and

Little Spooners.

Little Spooners is the first of the Norman Rockwell  Bearstone Series depicting famous Rockwell Saturday Evening Post covers. This one is based on the April 14 - 1926 Issue. Included is a resin mini-framed magazine cover. Neat!

We also purchased some Tupelo Honey from the Sweet Oasis Apiary booth. We have purchased their honey previously (once at each of their other locations) at the Farmer's Markets at:
                                        - Lake County Fairgrounds (Eustis)
                                        - Renniger's Twin Markets (Mt. Dora)
                                        - Mt. Dora Village Market.

Needless to say we like Tupelo honey. Note: See the blog for Sun - 12 Jan/14 for details on Tupelo Honey.

There are a lot of great restaurants in Mt. Dora; however, today they will all be really crowded. Our decision was to go somewhere else. We returned to the RV and picked up a pair of folding chairs. Our destination today would be to go to SkyDive DeLand.

We enjoyed Skydive Arizona in Eloy, AZ in the past. We would take our chairs and a cooler with water and soft drinks and sit and watch the skydivers for a few hours This would be our first experience in Florida.

First on the menu (literally) was the menu (grin). The Perfect Spot in the restaurant's name refers to the "Spot" that the skydivers try to land in to end their jump.

We were lucky to get a seat at the window. We could easily watch the skydivers as we ate.

Charlotte ordered an oriental chicken wrap and I ordered the Philly Cheesesteak. Both were quite good and the price was reasonable. The service was fast and friendly. Fast service is a requirement as almost everyone in the restaurant wanted to eat quickly and get back to skydiving.

The place was packed. It was quite loud with several languages being heard in the many animated conversations. Their gear insignia indicated that there were groups from Russia, Germany and Japan (or China or Korea, etc.). The flags hanging from the ceiling represented many of the nations from where the skydivers originate.

The colour of their gear is equally as colourful and diverse as the flags. It ran the range from plain black or grey to wild fluorescent combinations. The wild combos were easier to spot first in the sky.

Many Skydivers had video or still cameras of all types and sizes attached to their helmets. They can control these using "Blow Switches" - you guessed it - they blow in a mouthpiece attachment and it starts/stops the camera/video. There are also similar switches that operate by biting.

Others Skydivers had "Bird-Man" suits. (Don't worry! They use a regular chute after a proper period of time for the final landing).

Skydive DeLand is the training capital of the Skydiving World. Every day they fly back to back flights, weather permitting. Teams come from around the world, Military from all over the globe, and Sport Skydivers from many nations come here to train and fun jump. This is the Eastern USA's counterpart to Skydive Arizona.

A variety of planes were flying continuously today. The smaller hold 16 Skydivers while the large hold 22 or 23 skydivers. Sometimes several arrive on the "Perfect Spot" within a minute. The average time in the air is around 4 minutes. Jumpers pay for the height they jump from. ( 5,000 Feet = $17.00 / 13,500 Feet = $23.00).

We saw a wide variety of skills on landing. Some glided in smoothly in an easy arc while a few dropped suddenly almost straight down at high speed then leveled out virtually at the last moment. There are also a variety of facilities at the park including a "gear" shop, inside and outside packing hangers, classrooms (safety is of prime importance) and team rooms. 

After a little more than an hour we started back to the RV Park. We wanted to arrive in time for this evening's dance.

We sat at a table with several other folks from Ontario. "Wearing of the Green" was everywhere, after all, this was a (belated) St. Patrick's Day Dance. Our "Sunday Night Park Trivia" partner wore his best hat - complete with pigtails - Neat!

A number of folks from this group would be getting up early (about 5 a.m.) to be ready for the group bus trip to Key West. They will be gone for a few days. I am sure they will have a great time - we hope they will be there for the daily (nightly) "Sunset Celebration" on the pier. Everyone is there - vendors (food and art), street performers and even psychics. It should not be missed.

We also met other wonderful Ontario folks who are new to RVing (Class "A" Motorhome). Reminds us of when we started out. They will soon learn that RVers are so willing to help. (Don't the "Girls" look great!).

The band played a little bit of everything once they got past the required "Irish" songs. They even modified a few songs to fit the occasion. (e.g. Lady in Red Green). I thought they missed an opportunity when they sang the words "...through Spanish (Irish) Eyes" (grin). We mostly danced to our favourite "slow" songs.

Another Text Message while we were on the dance floor. They guys had arrived home. Mom said: "Text back - that now I (Mom) can breathe!". Done!

This was a busy day - I think we may sleep in tomorrow!