Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Tue - Apr 3/12

See Yesterday's blog - today was a repeat!

The same as Monday - another "no picture" day.

Charlotte went for a walk and dropped off suggestions (and complaints) at the park office. The manager has never RVed (so I've been told) which makes a difference. It's hard to meet RVer needs when you don't know what they are. Charlotte also did some more crocheting and is almost finished of an afghan.

I continued to work on the plan for the drive home. We will make some alternative routes in case we encounter a tornado outbreak like the one currently passing through Texas.

We both did some more cleaning, packing and storage re-arranging for the trip home.

I tightened the bathroom sink connections - a very, very slow drip - 8 years of road vibration will do that.

Another total RV meal day - 2 in a row - probably a record?

Of course, NCIS TV at night and bed shortly after 10 pm.

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